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We've said it enough times Bry, but let's set a date and get on a river, there's done cracking roach fishing on that river as well as the chub.

I'll text you later and see what we can sort

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It's been a few years since I fished the river Tone in Tanton, I really fancied a days chub fishing and this is probably the best river close to me to get at them.. So yesterday I dragged my ass out

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You're bang on 100% Newkid regarding the commercial carp puddles. It used to be that catching a carp, or tench for that matter, was a special achievement, be it by design or by luck. Although the carp puddles do undoubtedly serve a purpose and have probably brought a lot of people into fishing, I don't get as much enjoyment fishing them as I used to when fishing a proper old established mixed fishery, or fishing a river.


Well done with the 2lb+ roach :thumbs:, I've not achieved that, came close a couple of times from the River Beult, thought I had at Horton Kirby but sure it was a hybrid.


One of the lads I go shooting with was telling me that he used to do a bit of coarse fishing, but had never seen, let alone caught a tench. This was a couple of years ago, and I suggested he try Monk Lakes in Kent. I told him it held barbel as well, and he said he'd not caught one of those either. In mid september he texted me and asked if I'd take him and show him the ropes.

As he only had a few bits and pieces of tackle I told him I would bring a spare float rod he could use, he said he had a reel. Got in touch with my old fishing buddy from bygone years and he said he'd meet us down there.

Although I've renovated and repaired quite a few split cane rods in my time I have never fished with one, so decided to fish with the Mordex one I bought off myself in the Dymented auction, and marry that to an old wooden centrepin I had also renovated, and a porcupine quill float as a nostalgic tribute to the first float I ever bought back in the 60's to go with my Intrepid 'Black Prince' reel and my tonkin cane rod with solid fibreglass tip, which was a jumble sale jobbie (probably cost me 3d or 6d :laugh:.)


Set my mate up with my old 14ft diawa kevlar waggler rod, and gave him a size 14 forged spade end hook. Set my own gear up and tied on my hook. " 'ere, there's no f**king hole in this hook" PMSL. Tied his hook on, much to his astonishment, and showed him how to plumb the depth. Stayed with him for about ½ and hour, and he managed a couple of small carp and seemed to be fine so I left him to it, I was only in the next swim anyway but was keeping an eye on him. See him bend into a better fish, and he landed a carp at about 7lbs. He was well happy.

A while later He hooked another fish and whilst playing it, it swirled on top and I said to him "Take your time, it's your first barbel". He landed it, a small one about 2½-3lbs. He was like a dog with two tails. Was made up for him. No tench were showing, so we moved lakes. He caught his tench, 3 of them in fact, although only small ones. I managed a 3½lb one and loads of the small ones, and also had plenty of carp to about 5lbs, as did he. I was hoping one or two of the golden tench would put in an appearance, but it wasn't to be.

That old split cane rod and wooden reel performed well enough, and I was giving those carp a fair bit of welly, don't know how it would have coped with one of the larger fish though.

All in all a very enjoyable day out, and not a boilie in sight.


Reckon between us we could probably write a book of fishing yarns :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think you're probably right, I'm sure a few of is sat having a beer could come out with a few tales lol


Great tales mate

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