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I thought I'd ask this question after seeing a post by someone on another thread saying that the first thing they did after lamping was go to bed!!!

How many of you

a) wash your dog's feet and check it over?

B) give it a drink of water or something else?

c) give it a light easily digestible meal?


I do all three as a matter of course when my dogs have been out all day working, or lamping, IMO just chucking the dog back in the kennel after it has worked hard smacks of bad stockmanship and a don't care attitude: even if you only consider your dog to be a tool for work, doesn't it make sense to look after your tools?

As far as not feeding after working is concerned I have always fed after hard work: Jeez! I wouldn't like to go to bed on an empty stomach after slogging my guts out so why should I do that to my dogs? Obviously I don't give them a big heap of bones or other difficult to digest stuff when they're tired, but I always give them a decent meal. If a dog won't eat when it gets home then it's been run too hard: fact.

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I always checked the dog over for any cuts etc. Waited an hour then fed him.

I have never washed their feet but will now after taking advice from a friend. I have also started to rub him down (massage) with a formula given to me, including camphor etc, and he will go in the porta mag box for the hour before he gets his dinner....also advice from a good friend :yes:


And for me....put the leccy blanket on, have a cup of tea, some chocolate and another cup of tea, whilst waiting the hour. Then off to bed to analyze the night out in my head :D


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I always think,you get out what you put in.I always check my dogs over when they get back in after a night on the lamp.Wash the feet in some tepid water,a good towel down if its been wet,and some warm milk 50/50 with water,to which i add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,and a tablespoon of honey.I ususally feed my dogs about 11pm,if they have a night out planned i will feed them a half measure about 5/6pm,and another half measure next morning.My old man always did this ,and it seemed to work,so why change? :thumbs:

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That 20 minutes or so in the Portamag works wonders on a stiff tired dog: if your'e small enough to get in the Mag box yourself: try it!!!! I lie in it with my legs sticking through the door: and I know it works LOL.

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Im going to try it :laugh: At the mo it seems to be on permanently with the dogs (& cats). Its on an hour as its an old box and may be a bit less effective than newer ones.

Ive got a vision of skinny little legs sticking out of my box now thanks Sky :laugh::laugh:


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I rub mine down, let them rest for an half hour or so, then give them a feed and a warm bed.

Rub them down in the morning again, in between, a drink of glucose, seems to perk them up, if they are low on energy.

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Im going to try it :laugh: At the mo it seems to be on permanently with the dogs (& cats). Its on an hour as its an old box and may be a bit less effective than newer ones.

Ive got a vision of skinny little legs sticking out of my box now thanks Sky :laugh::laugh:


And now i have got a vision of skinny little legs sticking out of your box, MOLL :icon_eek::whistling::icon_redface::D

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Nahh, legs tucked firmly away Matti :D Although ive found it is impossible to drink a cup of tea in there :hmm:




Although i didn't really need the company, they had already had their turn :rolleyes:





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