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Time Machine/event In History.

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I would go back and tell my birth mother, to let me know were my birth brother is,, because i cant find him! That would make me complete.

Id go back to my wedding day to first wife, but this time id listen to me best mate when he says"why the f**k you marring her" dont do it!!

Ancient Greece , and listen to Socrates , London 16th/early 17th century and watch a Shakespeare play at the Globe , America ,pre Columbus , Scotts expedition ,Shakletons expedition ,Greenwich village

Stand at the side of the Mohne dam as Guy Gibson and co fly over and drop the bouncing bombs.

Watch the Beatles in the cavern just before they broke out to the world

Witness the charge of the light brigade

See what happened to the Roman 9th legion

Watch the heroic battle at Rorkes Drift

Loads more including see what exactly did happen the night Madeline McCan disappeared

Good call ,I would love to know what happened to that poor little mite.
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The ninth legion got done in at longtown

We don't tolerate flash spicks much in Cumbria

I'm so pleased that someone mentioned Madeleine McCann , ditto for me and for the Claudia Lawrence

The only thing that's has ever been done in at Longtown is YOU every Saturday night when any random lad decided to cuff you about !!!

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I would like to firstly warn people of events were people lost there lives/loved ones.

Otherwise ,

Be at the scene of the Roswell incident as it happened

Standing in the the Tunnel at the time of the Diana crash

Be there at the Hitler alleged suicide

Kennedy assasination

And any other events of the so called major Worldwide conspiracys .

Edited by MickC
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I hope they never conquer time to be honest, if anybody did its absolute power, and no way back, scary thought :laugh:

Depends on the answer to the grandfather paradox... If you could travel back in time then you quite possibly start a new time line from that point and in fact do not alter your original time line at all.


There could be a near infinite number of time lines forking from the present in a near infinite number of realities and when you loop back you simply start another tine on the fork.


It'd be one solution... and less worrying than the alternative.

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Whats alternative lad?

That there is only one time line and going back and changing history changes the future where you came from. But that theory breaks down because of the grandfather paradox and causality. So either my above theory is right or something similar orrrr time travel is fundamentally impossible.

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I hope they never conquer time to be honest, if anybody did its absolute power, and no way back, scary thought :laugh:

Depends on the answer to the grandfather paradox... If you could travel back in time then you quite possibly start a new time line from that point and in fact do not alter your original time line at all.


There could be a near infinite number of time lines forking from the present in a near infinite number of realities and when you loop back you simply start another tine on the fork.


It'd be one solution... and less worrying than the alternative.



I see what you're saying BH, and why not have different time lines, it makes as much sense as the rest of this thread lol.


What's to say we don't change time lines anyway, different decisions different results sort of thing, sure i saw something about a theory on these lines a while back?

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Yeah exactly, that's what I mean, every moment in time there being a near infinite number of divergent time lines. So the effects of someone mastering time travel would be unique to their time line, they'd leave the rest of us. If that is true of course... LOL

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Whats the grandfather paradox bh?

If you go back in time and kill your own grandfather you would never be born to go back and kill him so must be impossible unless something more complex is going on like divergent time lines, alternate realities etc.

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