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Injured Already

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Was out for a walk today with the ferrets but not much about but my young whippet was enjoying himself none the less,managed to find and lift the only rabbit we seen all afternoon,the rabbit headed right under a fence and the dog jump it but clipped the barbed wire on the top,never thought much of it until he returned,the whole under side of him was covered in blood.closer look revealed a big gash on his chest,few deep scratches,thought that was it until I noticed just inside his back right leg it's ripped about a 3inch hole in his skin.when streched right out you could see right inside his leg.thank fully after a good going over it just seems to be all skin damage.just back from getting him patched up.hopefully he won't be laid up too long.nightmare!

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Plenty tlc be good as new soon..part and parcel of lurcher work pal. .atb sesku

Especially lurcher work done with whippets! My daughter has one - beautiful looking hound and very fast and keen but manages to run into things on a regular basis. I owned a non ped whippet myself 20 years ago and it was even worse.

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Superglue is exactly what I've used mate.thought it might have needed a fair few stitches but ive managed to hold it with the superglue and it looks as though its healing well.

Cheers zandy,that a a good shout.think I might just get one of those.been keeping it clean by using an antiseptic spray.poor wee fella had to miss a good day on Sunday aswell lol

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Pick em up for between £12 - £15 posted mate - wise investment of you got a working whippet ;)


Sea-Salt water soaks is good for helping healing process mate, just watch as I superglued my whippet and it opened up the next morning (just left to heal in the end - nothing major) as at the time I didn't have a stapler of my own and mate that done the one before was away for the weekend






After opening up again I just let it heal of it's own accord and kept clean with sea salt soaks...


He caught his back on barbed wire few months earlier and had 2 staples in, healed alot quicker with the staples and neater...

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Cheers for the advice mate.defo invest in a skin stapler.the gash on his chest had opened up by the next day and ive just left that to heal on its own.that wound is also clean but it's formed a wee bit of a lump now.its scabbed over now,I'll just keep it clean and I imagine it'll go down

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