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New Gun Advice Please

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hi guys , i have the chance of buying a 2 year old tx200 in 177 , i have read lots of posts tonight but they are all about the hc not the full length rifle could anyone tell me if they are hold sensitive and are they quiet enough for shooting mainly rabbits or are there other rifles i can consider for £450 max would prefer spring as never had a pcp and want to shoot with as little hassel as possible must be ambidextrous or left handed , i dont want a gun i have to send off to get tuned just want to buy and shoot thanks in advance

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Hi bud the tx 200 is one of the best spring gun you can buy if it's hastle free shooting your after then there nothing better than the tx it doesn't need tuning just shoot and go and in .177 thats even better ,go for it mate .si1274

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The TX is supposed to be an excellent shooter straight out of the box, so if it's been run in for you, it should be even better, if anything.


All springers are hold sensitive to a greater or lesser extent, but if you're familiar with the Artillery Hold, you should soon get to grips with it.


Try before you buy if you can though, to make sure there's nowt wrong with it. :hmm:

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thanks guys , just got back from the shop the tx was a 2012 mk3 full length , i tried a few but decided on the hw95 as it just felt the most comfortable when i shot it on their indoor range got a great deal too they gave me £85 for my stoeger and i got the hw 95 , higher mounts for my scope a tin of aa pellets a aeresol gun cleaner and pack of targets and i only had to hand over £250 so well happy :)

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