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Rabbit Numbers Dropping ( Or Not Showing)

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Been out on normally a good rabbit perm with plenty showing ( nite shooting ) Sunday nite went out and where there would be 50/60 only saw 5/6 thro the spotter ,

Went out again last nite (same perm ) and again 20 were out max,

I managed to get a couple and there was no sign of mixie ,

Just wondered if other hunters perms have had some thing similar , and may be because of the weather , they may be coming out to play a little earler in the afternoon to get the bit of sun shine on there backs . And thinking feck it I'm not leaving the burrow tonite its to fkin cold lol

Have you lads noticed any change ?

Atb Dave

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Little one to be honest, I think it's just the weather turning them off getting out and about. Let's be honest, nothing beats the warm summer evenings, and the rabbits think the same. I just wonder what the f*ck they do stuck in doors all day every day.


The ones I have seen don't stick around to long. Like soon as they see any movement, they're gone. Turning my attention to roost shooting the feathered ones. Real nice. Hood up, gloves on, base of a tree, waiting.

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  On 21/10/2014 at 20:10, clarkhirstphoto said:

Suppose this feckin wind isn't helping either?

Totally the opposite, the wind makes no difference and if anything it helps as it drown down any noise your making.

Some of the best nights I've had have been when it's wet and windy.

Bright nights or when there's a moon always seem to be unproductive as the rabbits seem reluctant to stray far from the safety of the warrens or cover.


Dave, perhaps try going out later to give the rabbits time to get further out into the fields.

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Everyone is saying the same and my perm is no exception its been diar so far. .some are saying RHD is the culprit. ?..I hope not....things might improve once the clocks go back as you will actually be going out a hour later ...a few people are saying there seeing more in the wee hours .





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Yes moxy

Well worth a mid nite outing instead of 6.30 ish , could make a big diffrence

Just hope this weather breaks soon

And yes , no moon and a good breeze , makes a big diffrence where I go !

Creeping round is a lot easer on my mobility scooter ! Lol

Have a great evening lads


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It's the time of year when the nights are getting longer and there's less daylight to hunt in. And it's getting colder so, they tend to be seen out less and less and keep warm in their burrows and pop out to feed in the dark only when they need to; never straying so far from the warren as they might in better weather. Wet windy nights are safest for them. Not too many predators about and those that are, are carried on the winds.


The winds are their ally. It amplifies and carries sounds and scents of approaching danger much better than still/calm air conditions. They keep to the leeward side of earthbanks and hedgrows when the winds blow and keep their ears open when they are out.


That's why we don't see many in day-lit late afternoon/evening hours.

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We might have had a little wind of late, but its been very warm, not autumn weather at all, so there should be more showing but not to worry it should settle down a little soon, I have noticed rabbits this yr in fields where they havn't been seen for years,as for the cursed VHD I hope not,

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My perms are all arable having grain grown on them so impossible to shoot during the summer infact apart from a bit of plinking I more or less pack up for the summer but the plus side of this is come the harvest I normally have lots of fresh green good sized rabbits go go at and normally my first few outings are quite fruitful but it just hasn't happened this year. Me or the farmer have seen no mixy so im stumped....there's more going on than just weather im sure.





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