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Bad Weather, Good Numbers.


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Out again yesterday with the crew got to perm blowing a gale and tossing it down, wet gear on ferrets collared up dogs out and of we go.thwenty yards down the lane and my mates new dog marks the wall couple of stones out, first one in the bag.moving on she marks a four holer nets on ferret in bang bang two sharp ones in the bag then third one comes out of a tiny bolt like a bullet straight through the wall and gone.next warren seven out one dig the next few dogs marking well but only holding one or two, let the dogs work the braken as we went on put a few more in the bag, some hard chases but good catchs and retrieves.stopped for dinner then down to the river bank big deep warrens long net round a few nets on and ferrrets in , looks around sees a group of ramblers not good, they start to pass then one comes walking over , I thought oh shit here we go, says to me hows it going you got many I done this years ago its great stuff , I say to right offer him a rabbit he declines and away he goes.a few more in the bag and more ramblers , ready for a rant but bid us good day and luck and go, ferrets start showing so time to move on ,do a couple more big warrens, then on the last one of the day more ramblers two couples they say hello then right in front of them a rabbit bolts hits the net my mates grabs it necked and put it ongroung in front of them, all of the staring at it as they pass, then one bloke comes back and says how did you kill that rabbit so quick , my wife thought you beat them to death.we all laughing at him when another bolts, my mate grabs it again, rambler says can you show us and they all come over, my mate says dont blink or you will miss it.rabbit dispatched and four more converts walk away happy.finished the day with 44 and 4 poss converts.win win.

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