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I would have a discussion with you Sandymere but as 99% of what you write has little or nothing to do with dogs or hunting. The remaining trivia is downloaded from the internet or plagarised from text books. There is little to be gained by me, to enter into a meaningful dialogue with you and if you think my saying you know F/A about dogs is an insult you've never heard me in full flow. Happy reading. out with my hound now for a walk


Your posts on this so far have added nothing constructive to either the initial question or the conversation that developed from that. It's easy to bandy insults but, other than amusing me, it certainly adds nothing to the forum. As I've said before


"When rational people disagree with someone, they usually voice a relevant counter-argument, produce facts or ask questions that are relevant to the issue at hand. Don’t get me wrong, I do like an academic or factual or rational argument any time – but I find it tedious to deal with irrationality and, more importantly, I feel that it is not in any way productive trying to do so"



So if all you have to offer is jealousy inspired insults I shall condider this topic finished :bye:

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get da dog down to the vet ya tight fooker

If there are no puncture wounds then you need something to reduce the swelling and bruising ... Get to you local boots chemist and get arnica 6c ... Give him five in the morning and five in the evenin

Immaterial what it is I can guarantee it works .... I have used it several times on the dogs and it has brought down the swelling and bruising quickly every time ... The problem with metacam is that i

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