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Pup Injury

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Sandy or should I say dad ( I expected better of you ) lol ... The fact of the matter is that I have used arnica and found it works for me and that's all I have to know ... Out of interest have you tried using it for a dog ( honest answer please ) .........

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get da dog down to the vet ya tight fooker

If there are no puncture wounds then you need something to reduce the swelling and bruising ... Get to you local boots chemist and get arnica 6c ... Give him five in the morning and five in the evenin

Immaterial what it is I can guarantee it works .... I have used it several times on the dogs and it has brought down the swelling and bruising quickly every time ... The problem with metacam is that i

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Honest answer yes I used Arnica rubs for years on the greyhounds, yes it reduces bruising and swelling to a degree, there is research to back this up. It has more side effects than modern drugs like metacam which is why it is not used as an oral medication and why I don't use it anymore. The rubs had about 2% Arnica if I remember right. So there was Arnica present it hadn’t been diluted out of existence.


But this is not about arnica it’s about (1)homeopathy and (2) good advice.


(1)As to homeopathy no haven’t tried it as it’s plainly stupid, diluting an aspirin into a hundred gallons of water will not make it work nor have I tried crystal healing or coffee enemas that’s called common sense.


Now I've answered your questions so please do the same for me.


Do you believe that putting an aspirin in 100 gallons of water will make that water into a medicine within the context of having a beneficial effect on pain or bruising?

Or is it more likely the very well known carer’s placebo, which I have linked in an earlier post, is giving the owner the impression that the "water" is helping healing and this is the true cause of the perceived improvement? Magic water or a common misconception to which we are all prone?


(2) As for the good advice for far too long the lurcher world has had the reputation, at times rightly so, as a community where idiots mistreat dogs, cruelty is the common and bad stockman ship the norm. I think it's time we attempted to redress that with sensible advice such as in this situation if you don't know what wrong take to someone who does. Neither you nor I know the extent of the damage, hopefully it is not bad and the pup will make a full recovery, but you would agree that the description could have been any number of things some very serious. At the very least the lad left himself open to charges cruelty from the public and RSPCA.


In this case my annoyance showed as much because the advice was from someone who I would have expected better from as much as anything else.


Edit to add

Study on homeopathic arnica



Edited by sandymere
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As I said we can post up links for and against all day .... I will go on what is tried and tested for me and using arnica on four different dogs for varying degrees of bruising and swelling and it's worked every time ... I can't say anymore than that .......

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So you will not answer/


LOL so the two choices were, you made a simple common mistake or great sections of excepted science underpinned with masses of evidence are wrong! And it turns out the science is wrong, alas I shall await the oceans to fly into the air, satellites to drop from the skies in droves and the arrival of Chicken Licken lol.


But fear not for I have this to sort it all out.





Who needs science when we have belief!



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Indeed As I posted above Arnica has its uses :thumbs:Just a shame that more people don't realise that homeopathic pills etc don't actually contain any lol.



In a final more general comment on homeopathy and science….




Many people have the idea that science is some ethereal thing with little relevance to the practicalities of every day life. With things like advanced math and the like this is an understandable idea but with medicine, be it human or veterinary, that’s a very mistaken impression. Research science in this field is exactly about the real world; long before any drug or treatment can become used it needs to have undergone real world testing with real sick people/dogs etc. This study

looks at homeopathic arnica, not just one subject at a time that may or may not have gotten better quicker or faster but a cohort of subject that can be compared, those that have the supposed treatment against others that don’t, this is how you can really tell if a treatment works. If there was a real therapeutic rather than an imagined effect a fair proportion of those that had the treatment would have improved outcomes against those that don’t. This is just common sense not some abstract idea that has no relevance to everyday life.

With Homeopathy like many other forms of old BS, something useless and harmful has been whittled down to something useless and mostly harmless so that it can escape regulation and dupe people with subjective, variable, or self-limiting conditions.

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Desert I love it when people start to try to insult me rather than make a comment on what I write, it shows they have lost the arguement having nothing left to offer that has any value so fall back on personal insult lol. After all when rational people disagree with someone, they usually voice a relevant counter-argument, produce facts or ask questions that are relevant to the issue at hand. Don’t get me wrong, I do like an academic or factual or rational argument any time – but I find it tedious to deal with irrationality and, more importantly, I feel that it is not in any way productive trying to do so so I will leave it here.


Sailor are you going to join Willow and desertbred in my little camp of followers? Its good to get some feedback from the "special" section of society, reminds me to keep things simple.

Edited by sandymere
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  On 24/10/2014 at 11:27, jwalshe said:

U need ta get a life sandymere

I expect your right but there are sometimes good topics on here and some decent people, most take my replies without rancour and see the irony within my remarks. In truth I’ve had long interesting discussions with people who held opposing views to me that have ended at an impasse but not insult, those people have my respect, and have often taught me things. Alas some don’t and it amuses me to dip in when I have a second or two to spare, just 30 seconds typing can give me hours of amusement with certain members! Would you deny me my last childish pass time of poking a stick into the anthill.

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I would have a discussion with you Sandymere but as 99% of what you write has little or nothing to do with dogs or hunting. The remaining trivia is downloaded from the internet or plagarised from text books. There is little to be gained by me, to enter into a meaningful dialogue with you and if you think my saying you know F/A about dogs is an insult you've never heard me in full flow. Happy reading. out with my hound now for a walk

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  On 24/10/2014 at 11:56, sandymere said:


  On 24/10/2014 at 11:27, jwalshe said:


U need ta get a life sandymere

I expect your right but there are sometimes good topics on here and some decent people, most take my replies without rancour and see the irony within my remarks. In truth Ive had long interesting discussions with people who held opposing views to me that have ended at an impasse but not insult, those people have my respect, and have often taught me things. Alas some dont and it amuses me to dip in when I have a second or two to spare, just 30 seconds typing can give me hours of amusement with certain members! Would you deny me my last childish pass time of poking a stick into the anthill.
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