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bull/grey or wheaton/grey

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this year i'm planning on buying a bitch pup so i have something to breed out of in the future, providing she makes the grade.

i was planning on getting a bull/grey as i've had plenty of experience with this cross, but i've heard a lot of good things about the wheaton/grey and would'nt mind trying a bitch from this breeding.

so i would appreciate any first hand advice on the wheaton cross, how do they compare to the bull cross ? good points ? bad points, is anyone planning a litter later this year ? has anyone got any pics of wheaton crosses ?etc.....

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wheaton crosses are the ultimate tool for critters that bite back......IMHO....but be careful you buy from good tested stock as they are now being bred "for money" by the odd individual...if i were you i would try for a pup bred in ireland if possible, then you know its from decent stuff..i got plenty of whe/gry pics...will post some when i dig them out...

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Lucky we have a litter of pups that are bull/grey x saluki/grey x wheaten/grey.

These are a repeat mating because the first litter are doing so well it was hard not to do the breeding again.

Both parents will do anything thats asked of them and the first litter are doing the same, macker off here has one im sure he will post a pic of the dog, he is more then happy with it.

The sister got introduced to game that bites back aq couple of weeks ago on the lamp, she never even flinched, needed no introduction, she just got stuck in, took a bit of stick, we took her off and she went back for more later. <_<


If ye after a pup im sure we can sort something out, id rather see them going to homes were they will be worked proper.


P.s there aint enough pups to go to the people that are looking for them, but i know with yourself it will get the work they need.

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its a tough one.

depends what you want your lurcher to do.

the bulls are stronger.

dont hunt deer my self but most use the bulls for them.

plenty of weatons where i live.

the mother of my pup is a weaton cross.

she is grat on rabbit and fox.the type of bitch that is great

on the turns and will not change her stride as she hits cover.

you must be care full about weatons and be sure about them working

before you breed of them but.

but there are still very good strains out there.

my pup is a cross between both.

very happy with him so far.

dont know how to post pics on this site yet

but have picture of this dog on another site that i think i seen your name

on before.if you want to look it up.

as for weaton crosses i prefare the three quarter.

just because i like hunting rabbits too.

if you after stronger game half cross might be better.

personally i would say go for one

they like to use their nose.and are well known for catching fox off the lamp.

but can use it too much some times and you have to get manners on them early.

hope this might be some use to you.

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If Bullxs work for you lucky why change,Ive never had a wheatenx and I doubt I will the Bullx does all I want so why take a risk on a breed that by the sounds of it is in decline.Ive heard most working wheatens have a dash of bull in them anyway.

If you fancy something different then fair enough but if it isnt broken why fix it :D .

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I have wheatens and wheaten lurchers. Some of the wheatens are as game as any bull terriers that I have seen. You have to make sure they are of a good working strain. There are good and bad wheaten lurchers just like there are bull lurchers. Just make sure they are bred from a line of workers.

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  lucky said:
this year i'm planning on buying a bitch pup so i have something to breed out of in the future, providing she makes the grade.

i was planning on getting a bull/grey as i've had plenty of experience with this cross, but i've heard a lot of good things about the wheaton/grey and would'nt mind trying a bitch from this breeding.

so i would appreciate any first hand advice on the wheaton cross, how do they compare to the bull cross ? good points ? bad points, is anyone planning a litter later this year ? has anyone got any pics of wheaton crosses ?etc.....

There was an article in EDRD in June 1994 by Springview about Wheaten terriers and another article in readers writes about them in the same isssue,there was also an article about Wheaten lurchers in the November 2000 issue by K.nine

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Got myself a new lurcher this week, at last !!! :11:


She's a 7 months old, Saluki greyhound / wheaton X bull / greyhound. Lovley lookin, brindle markings, broken coated with a wheaton like goatee. built like a saluki with cracking bone.


Absoloutly chuffed with her ... She's very well behaved for a youngun, electric speed and is spot on with the basics. A credit to the lad i got her off :good: Will get some pics up of her this week hopefully and keep ya'll posted on her progress.



AnT :good:

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