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Good Day On My Tod

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Well set of at about half 8 on my own with the young dog only did2 burys got 6 was so pleased with the dog as some of you will no iv had a lot of problems with this dog but today was really enjoyable with her it was her second time ferreting and she was really steady and caught 2 bolters one was a brilliant course great to watch the rabbit had to 50 yards away before she saw it but got to it with ease rabbits were hard to bolt and my to little Jill's worked hard think there were still rabbits in one of the warrens the dog was still looking keen on a couple of holes but 6 was enough for me and still plenty to go at

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Good stuff dan . It's not the dog that's the problem : ) , it's still a pup mate you wait till feb. , be a pro . Remember it's learning two jobs to, daytime , and nighttime , I've seen a night time pup out ferreting and it didn't have a clue : ) , and you should see my dog at night time : ) ha ha , tries to go bushing and looking for warrens .

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