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The Hunting Life

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The site was a year old yesterday....hopefully we will all be still posting and sharing experiences in many many years to come :friends:.


So far the place is doing great thanks to the mods and all the members who contribute to make the site what it is.... :)

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Happy belaited birthday xxx......I havent been here a year but for the time i have been here, this forum is to blame for a few more nutters :whistle: whoops i meen friends on my phone list, And tons of good advice :yes: . The odd shit advice too :11:

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12 months already on what is rapidly becoming the benchmark for global hunting!


As of today we have 671 members, yesterday 288 of them visited to have a nosey! Our current record is 182 online at one time!


That's awesome! :clapper:


We keep going from strength to strength and this truly is a testament to those that believe hunting doesn't have a future. :haha:


Thanks to everyone that has made this place what it is. It can't be done without you! The UK has a new season dawning and I'm sure everyone it itching to get out do a bit...


The most important thing is to get on here and tell us about it! :D


We want to see your pictures and hear your stories to show the world that hunting is alive and kicking and now has a thriving online community called The Hunting Life! :D


We have a gallery feature for your pictures and a blog sections so you can share your hunting diary exploits with the world. All these features are available to those that sign up and become members... all you have to do is register!


We've also got record numbers of subscribed members who are so impressed with the place they've donated a bit of money to assist with the upkeep. With this you get the ability to upload pictures straight to the forum and unlimited gallery space, along with other benefits... have a look here.


Keep it coming!! :clapper: Here's to THL's first anniversary!! :friends:

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Feck me Chris are you in the advertising game.... :D :11:


12 members signed up yesterday, a couple from france and germany also the states and uk. :good:


One american member is accessing the site through his TV using an internet box, hes having a bit of trouble logging in, but were going to help him sort it hopefully..


Heres some of his dogs he has shown me..German Jagdterriers

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