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Who's Voting For Whom In The Next Elections ?

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  On 20/10/2014 at 14:40, WILF said:


  On 20/10/2014 at 13:48, Joe1888 said:

someone mentioned early on about bbc against ukip, that couldnt be further from the truth... they love the nf



seen this on wos.. some of you will like it...


That's rich Joe, someone who wants independence calling someone else who want independence "the NF" lol lol



am not a fan of the party or nf( nigel ), the* was a typo..


even though am not a fan, i wont chucking insults at him etc, ;) ;)

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This is the bare facts, over the last 20+ years successive governments have gambled with the taxpayers money and lost.......big time !! This cancer reaches down as far as local councils too.   Over

Yes, I saw it; a complete hatchet job by the BBC/Establishment ! Why did they concentrate on what UKIP MEP's have been paid, when ALL MEP's, Tory, Libs, Labour, get EXACTLY the same pay and allowances

I'm sure I'm going to come across as cynical (surely not?), but this is how I see things in the mainstream.   (I'm paraphrasing a bit here.................... )         Conservative = More peop

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  On 20/10/2014 at 18:20, ragumup said:

If labour get in expect more of this .....


How f***ing stupid do you think people are Rags? Everybody involved in Rotherham politics knew about the abuse for years, the tory defector to ukip was at the meeting about it, and vines was on a police watchdog panel at the time, they're all guilty, why did it come out now before the elections :blink: So saving it up for a rainy day eh, and kids still being abused while they waited for the right time to bring it up, shameful, and so is posting it again and again when you know this.

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Guest ragumup

You assumed I know more than I do are you saying reckless was at the meeting and that's the phone calls in Rochester they are trying to smear him with?

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  On 18/10/2014 at 19:56, Joe1888 said:


  On 18/10/2014 at 19:24, maxhardcore said:

It's upto everyone passionate enough about Great Britain to spread the Ukip message

Go a step further and join the Party.



how many members do they have?



Don't know how many they have but they just got one more , signed up tonight !

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  On 20/10/2014 at 15:51, sandymere said:

I saw the new UKIP MP with his post election speech was just a tory, all inclusion lol, Ah but wait a minute he was/is a tory just one frit he might lose his seat so jumped ship. Recon UKIP will end up as a cross between the tories and the anti everything (especially if their not white, or you’re poor, or have more than two children, or care about the health of the next generation, or want houses built to bring down prices so not just the rich can afford them etc) party! They’re lost in the world of say anything to get the vote and don’t worry how we will carry it out or the real impact it will have on the country. In conclusion a vote for UKIP is a vote for the Tories, let the rich get richer whilst the rest lump it!



Think I’ll stay true to my roots and vote as a working man should Labour!

You mean vote as a man working for the state should surely ?...........because other than state workers, every other poor b*****d is having their pants pulled down by the socialist Labour, socialist Conservatives and socialist Lib Dem.


As an aside, the name "Lib Dems" has got to be a joke right ?........cause there is f**k all liberal or democratic about politicians who think they know how to spend a mans money better than the man that earns it !!!

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  On 20/10/2014 at 19:34, ragumup said:

You assumed I know more than I do are you saying reckless was at the meeting and that's the phone calls in Rochester they are trying to smear him with?


No idea who or what "reckless" is? and no idea about any phone calls? Im talking about the tory councillor who attended the meeting, but defected to ukip before it came out, Vines was on a police board at the time, didn't go to the meeting, but you would think the police board might mention mass grooming of his flock, they're all guilty to some extent, but to try and gain points off it is just wrong, their excuse of "we didn't want to publicise the info revealed to us at the meeting because it could affect the police investigations" is an insult to the public's intelligence imo.

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Guest ragumup

I'm I supposed to believe something you say, because you say it ?


Bearing in mind you think the Jews run the conservatives and Ukip :blink:

If it were true then the ukip/con councillor should be strung up with the rest of them.

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If any of you think that any politician is going to put you before themselves. Then quite frankly you should not be allowed to vote. In every politicians life there are three people who are impotent to them. Me, Myself and I. Not necessarily in that order.


I was born in a labour heartland, where you could put a donkey in for labour and it would win, and to be honest they often did. I did not agree with the socialist doctrine of something for nothing, if someone wanted to work harder for more money, why penalise them? This was back in the 1970's. So even though it was futile, I voted conservative as that was the ethos I believed in.


Then when Maggie came to power and virtually crippled S. Wales. by shutting the steel works and the pits, I decided then that I would never vote again. Because my vote counts for diddly squat, all that I believe in matters not a jot to any politician.


If any politician told me they would re-nationalise any de-nationalised industry and keep them running as all the de-nationalised have been run, as profit making companies without the millions in salaries going to the executives, I would vote for them tomorrow. But, we all know that will never happen. As every politician is only there for Me, Myself and I.



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  On 20/10/2014 at 22:46, charlie caller said:

Anyone who votes for labour and that piece of English hating scum red Ed, wants their f***ing head looking at, UKIP are a BIG step in the right direction, not perfect, but certainly the best choice.

couldnt agree more ! UKIP are for the british people ! when they finally do get into power weather its this election or the next, eventually the british people will understand, and agree that theyr there for us first ! then the foriengers second... we needed are flood gates closed, which should of happened 2o years ago ! does anyone acually know the true figures this/our country funds on foriengers per year ...? fecking trillions i bet ! many may know im into my history, i know times were much harder back 2-3-4oo years ago...but alteast the uk was ours back then...i honestly wish i was alive back then, they must all be turning in theyr graves....for all they'v done for this country, wars..after ..wars.1oo's of thousands dieing..for what, then..grafting for centuries..and then nowa days, christ it makes me depressed, it really does, theres alot more to it than this but f..k this country need magor sorting out !

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