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Who's Voting For Whom In The Next Elections ?

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This is the bare facts, over the last 20+ years successive governments have gambled with the taxpayers money and lost.......big time !! This cancer reaches down as far as local councils too.   Over

Yes, I saw it; a complete hatchet job by the BBC/Establishment ! Why did they concentrate on what UKIP MEP's have been paid, when ALL MEP's, Tory, Libs, Labour, get EXACTLY the same pay and allowances

I'm sure I'm going to come across as cynical (surely not?), but this is how I see things in the mainstream.   (I'm paraphrasing a bit here.................... )         Conservative = More peop

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  On 30/10/2014 at 10:45, nothernlite said:


  On 30/10/2014 at 09:28, Onlyworkmatters said:

Labour/socialist/communist are the most deluded of all voters

tory and ukip voters are worse blind if they can't see the big picture haha

Slow day at work mate :D

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  On 30/10/2014 at 10:45, nothernlite said:


  On 30/10/2014 at 09:28, Onlyworkmatters said:

Labour/socialist/communist are the most deluded of all voters

tory and ukip voters are worse blind if they can't see the big picture haha

Please, enlighten me as to what this "big picture" is ?.........or was that just a catchy thing to say ?


Is this the same big picture where you have resolutely voted for socialists for years up there and done nothing but gripe about it except now some more socialists are saying "ahh wait, we are still socialists but this time we are socialists that just care about you and f**k everyone else"


Or is it the "big picture" where you just conjure money out of thin air to fund anything you want ?........let's not bullshit, if the SNP brand of socialism didn't exist then you would be voting labour !!


Even the conservatives are f***ing socialists now so what the f**k are you all crying about ?? Lol lol

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  On 18/10/2014 at 18:51, nothernlite said:

shame GORDAN BROWN never got a chance would of sorted us out labour all the way

  On 18/10/2014 at 23:08, Joe1888 said:

labour party under tony blair shifted more to the right, fact..



if tony blair was pm, him brown and darling would fix everything...................


Can I nominate these two posts for a "Most Ridiculous Post 1994 - 2014" award? Either one will take first prize I am sure :toast::toast: .


Joe, Northernlite, please give an explanation of "How" for both of these posts? I'll just go make a batch of popcorn in anticipation of your responses. :snack::snack:

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stv poll today puts the snp at 52 % lab 23% greens 6% libs 6% tories 10% ukip 2% in scotland


thats about 54 wm seats for the snp, am not saying they are going to.. but i believe only 30 would be needed for scotland to split without at referendum.


labour would get 4 seats, libs 4 and the tories 0


its early days, still a few months to go.. things can change very quickly



how it kind of looks at the moment going on poll




current wm state of play


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  On 30/10/2014 at 17:17, WILF said:

There you go, typical socialist, if you don't get what you want from democracy then just force it through by the back door.

Proud of you boys, nice one !! Lol


promises were made when it was agreed no more campaining etc was to happen..


lets see what happens with the vow or the eu vote.. that 52% could rise

Edited by Joe1888
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