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One of the massive Japanese corporations (Mitsubishi, if memory serves) is stock-piling blue-fin and yellow-fin tuna in huge freezers. As supplies become scarcer, the price goes up and they're hoping

Hunting any species to the brink of extinction is what marks man as a most shallow and stupid animal!   Industrial whaling by the Japanese was only started as a means to feed its people in World War

in this time and day i really don't see no need for the hunting of whales..not what this topis about i no..   i seen that film as a kid..orca the killer whale...f**k me i been anti whale hunting eve

I once read that a mans body was dug up from his grave an bones stolen,just cause his relative worked in a lab testing animals,it was in eng few years back!


How anyone could view a animals life,before a humans life i find disturbing to say the least!

Yep and one of those responsable is making himself busy on the badger cull.

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I dont think they would wipe them out mate they live in sea an only 2% of the ocean has been explored they cant go any further!

One of the massive Japanese corporations (Mitsubishi, if memory serves) is stock-piling blue-fin and yellow-fin tuna in huge freezers. As supplies become scarcer, the price goes up and they're hoping to make a killing - they reckon that both species will become extinct in the very near future. They hope to be in a position to sell the last ones..........


The Blue whale is the largest animal that has EVER lived - it weighs over 200 tonnes and some of it's blood vessels are so large you could swim down them - and yet, despite having few natural predators, it is endangered and facing extinction. The Great White shark, surely the ultimate apex predator, is now endangered to such an extent that it is illegal to kill or injure them - yet we don't even know with any certainty how long they live !


Animal and plant life is believed to be disappearing up to 10,000 faster than 'background extinction' alone (ie no human interference). Some species have been declared extinct only a few years after being discovered ............


Anything can be pushed to the brink of extinction - and animals that have a long breeding cycle, or that mature very slowly, (whales, elephants, rhino's etc) are particularly vulnerable.



(Before anyone gets the wrong idea, can I say that I have very short hair, I don't live on a converted bus and I've had several baths this week ! ;) )

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I once read that a mans body was dug up from his grave an bones stolen,just cause his relative worked in a lab testing animals,it was in eng few years back!


How anyone could view a animals life,before a humans life i find disturbing to say the least!

Yep and one of those responsable is making himself busy on the badger cull.


The family concerned bred guinea pigs (or rabbits, one of the two) for medical research.

They, and almost everyone they knew, was subjected to a long campaign of threats and intimidation, and some were even sent crude IED's ! Homes, farms and other businesses were attacked and vandalized. The old lady's body was dug up and held to ransom - the price for it's return was the closure of the farm. :icon_eek:

Several of the unwashed lunatics were arrested and one of them told police where the body was hidden.


Think it was ALF, but I could be wrong ...................

Edited by Blackbriar
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I dont think they would wipe them out mate they live in sea an only 2% of the ocean has been explored they cant go any further!


You do talk some utter rubbish, does anything thats being scientifically proven mean anything to you or would you rather we wiped out the earth as fast as we could to usher in the coming of the Lord??


I'm a believer myself but I don't believe any higher force would of left us as custodians of this very small and insignificant planet in this very insignificant Solar System just to poison, kill and destroy all that we touch!


You sound as warped and twisted as the Evangelistic Born Again nut jobs in the States!

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I find it strange that being an avid hunter myself, the thought of killing certain animals repulses me. No way in hell would I want to kill animals such as the Big Cats and apex predators, I don't agree with killing whales either. Maybe I am a hypocrite...

Edited by DogFox123
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