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Daystate Huntsman

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I've got an airwolf mtc in .177 and it shoots like a dream , it really is pellet on pellet

but bought an ultra se .177 with a lovely walnut stock on it for a night rifle

sent it to xtx for the full works, huma reg and huub shroud etc

its as accurate as the airwolf and I get easily 6 mags out of it

the ultras a very under rated gun in my opinion

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It looks to me John like, you will have to get your Regal to a proper gunsmith who knows his PCPs to make it work as it should. It's more cash to fork out, but, you should get your rifle back working

Like our learned Villaman I had very little confidence in the Daystate fold. I have had two MKIV IS which were not particularly well built rifles. Accurate yes but moderate engineering at a premium pr

I've had three Huntmans and four Regals now. Got rid of the last Regal last week. All were bought brand new. All but one was woefully poor and the good one was average. Either I'm the unluckiest man

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Its just pink lovers that buy ds any way just ask vm lol


right fun over :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


The ultra is a cracking rifle but have a look at the scorpion to a little longer and more of a shot count .


Next time your at the range gis a shout and ill fetch mine up for you to plink on with for a few hours

and ill fetch the ultra up to and you can see witch one you like but for the life of me dont get a regal


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


PS, yes bsa,s some times go wrong but there customer service is second to none and if you buy new they give a two year warranty with them and not one .

Edited by bigmac 97kt
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I had problems with my first Ultra, BSA did replace it no questions, fell out with it and it sat in the safe for a long time. Took it out last month ratting in a grain silo, well blow me down but I like it again. Nice and light, gives 11lbs and about 780 fps. Shot pigeon out to fifty yards, its as accurate as any .177 I have ever used, as accurate as a Daystate.

Nice smooth action as well. Looking at Scorpions at the moment for the very reason of shot count. I get about 35 / 40 usable with an Ultra but ratting can get hectic on some of my spots and need a few extra cc's.

Just an aside, my sister in law stayed a few weeks ago and shot it on my range. She doesn't shoot. Well she was popping the middle out of FT crows at 55 yards with it after only twenty rounds practice. It actually is a very nice little carbine, made her happy too!

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  On 17/10/2014 at 17:22, timmytree said:

A couple of weeks ago one of my permission owners got hold of a Regal and invited me up to try it. Being careful with my money I expect value for every £ and I didn't see that. It did look good but I want a rifle to shoot not look at. With a few targets in the orchard my S200 matched it easily, no doubt any of the AA 4 or 500 series would match it and so would a dozen other rifles at a much lower price.

Like buying a top end car, you get the badge but if anything goes wrong or needs a service you will get shafted.

Hi Timmy.

The car analogy is spot on. :thumbs:


I thought I was buying a seriously top performance, British-made "Bentley" of an air rifle when I bought my Daystate Regal. It had all the grunt and torque of a Reliant Robin! Underpowered to just above an air pistol's output. It was useless to try and shoot Rabbits to acceptably decent air rifle ranges with any hope of a humane kill. 30 yards was about the best max-effective range. Over that and the poor animal was getting injured. :nono:


I have just had to spend a bit more money getting my Daystate Regal up to an acceptable performance standard. It's a superb rifle now. 11.45 ft/lbs, with a deviation of only 0.63 over a 10-shot string. Finally, it now shoots as good as it looks and I will keep it as I have a need for a reliable multi shot PCP on my permissions.


But I don't expect to fork out over £1,000 on an air rifle and a superb, top quality scope to get the best from it;-only to have to send the thing back to the makers within a week or so of buying it, to get it tuned up to a level where it will actually kill humanely at reasonable range. Only then, for it to come back, over a month later, work for a bit then, spring leaks and lose power and air at the same time.


I didn't bother Daystate with it a second time. They proved very nice people to deal with but, I have lost my faith and confidence to buy anything from them again.


It took an 85-mile drive north to a good gunsmith I know to sort out the power-output, plug the leak and secure the barrel shroud from rotating every time I screw-on/off a silencer that should not be found on a brand new rifle costing this level of serious money. It took him barely ten minutes and the job was done. I've shot a tinful of ammo through it this weekend and it didn't miss a beat. I'm absolutely delighted with how really sweet and accurate the rifle shoots...Now...!


But it has taken 8 months of hair-pulling frustration and leaving the thing in a cabinet before it finally became the rifle it promised to be.


No excuse. We are being sold a right bloody lemon here that you will have to have fixed and sorted out at your own expense to get it right where it ought to be in the first place.


Best regards.


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Cheers Mark. I was wondering who else has had a bad experience with Daystate. If car analogies still count they are another BRITISH LEYLAND! in a time called the 1970s this was Britain's largest car manufacturer. All their models were overpriced, over-promoted, poorly built rubbish. They even fell apart in the showrooms!


Daystate are going this way!


The Regal is like the Rover 2600 Van Den Plas. :hmm: Looks great...then loose parts start unscrewing themselves...underpowered...conks out!


And why the bloody hell do they think building a pointless .303 air rifle is worth anything when they cannot produce a reliably decent sub-12 ft/lb for everyone to enjoy?




If I wanted a .303 on my ticket, I'd go for a proper Lee Enfield! :thumbs:


Best wishes.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had the regal now for a few month and shoots like a deam it's me fest daystate av had was a bit unsure me self when fest buying it cause a seen the reports off sum people but really happy a got it now not had any of the problems at all knocks rabbits down at 40yrds all day long really good gun

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Not had one problem with it mate a got told what ever problems they had with them power and bolt n what not got sorted out but like a say you get problems with all guns av seen a good few lately with the hw100 about leaks and power loss just depends there will be thousands of happy people out there with the regal at the end of the day

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