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Query Re Mill Dots And Yards

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Hi All,

My range finder is a leica crf 1200 and gives the reading in yards.....looks like you cannot change it
Having just order a AA prosport and Hawke sidewinder mill dot scope......my concern is that mill dot reticle is compatible and geared towards metres.
My question, can you get you mil dots to work with yards aka 1 dot holdover 45 yard second 55 yards etc?
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  On 16/10/2014 at 15:11, timmytree said:

It doesn't work quite like that unfortunately because a pellets path is an ever increasing curve.

What you can do is use Chairgun or Hawke BRC to work out ranges against aimpoints on different magnifications, then check them in the field over measured distances. You can print an image of the reticle and stick it on your lense cover or easier still draw it on a piece of stiff card and laminate it, then stick that to your LRF.


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If you download CHAIRGUN you will get a better idea of a pellets flight through the air, depending on variables such as, pellet weight and design, pellet speed and the height of the scope from the centre of the barrel.

You need to zero your scope at (say) 35yds and then put out targets at 5 yard intervals to see where in reality the pellet lands.

If you have ordered a mil dot scope, I'm not aware of Hawke scopes being biased to either yards or metres - you should be able to use the markings to relate to either.

Edited by 4sight
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All the lads ara bang on

But don't foget !

Chair gun need the pellet drop



Weight of pellet

Zero range

When you've got these what ever range you've zeroed in at , fire 3 rounds at that the bull , then move back say 20 yards ,

And shoot another group at the bull again , measure the distance the pellet has dropped from the bull , enter this into chair gun and you will find the program will change thing round slightly , you can then play with the magnification on the program

An d find out the best one for 5yard increments on your scope , belive me this works a treat

On chair gun the part you want is called distance at range

Hope this helps

Atb dave

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  On 17/10/2014 at 08:43, David.evans said:


All the lads ara bang on

But don't foget !

Chair gun need the pellet drop



Weight of pellet

Zero range

When you've got these what ever range you've zeroed in at , fire 3 rounds at that the bull , then move back say 20 yards ,

And shoot another group at the bull again , measure the distance the pellet has dropped from the bull , enter this into chair gun and you will find the program will change thing round slightly , you can then play with the magnification on the program

An d find out the best one for 5yard increments on your scope , belive me this works a treat

On chair gun the part you want is called distance at range

Hope this helps

Atb dave




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Best thing you can do is type "Youtube Hawke ChairGun Pro Part 1 with Si Pittaway " into google. There are 3 parts, and Si takes his time and explains it all very well. You will need to chrono your rifle with the pellets you will be using.


I did download the latest version, but found it had a few bugs so uninstalled it and reinstalled Chairgun3 Pro, version 1.0.5b, which worked great for me.


Edited to add, you can opt for good old imperial 'yards' or the new fangled 'metres'.

Edited by Mister Gain
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