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What Can You Legally Hunt

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I have a permission to shoot rabbits on an equestrian centre, can I shoot anything else, or is it just what is written on my permission .

I also shoot with a friend who has plenty of permissions, again what are we legally able to shoot, is it just vermin, or can you apply for a licence to shoot specific quarry .





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From a legal point of view you can shoot avian species covered by the general licence and game species subject to the conditions specified plus rabbits, rats, squirrels and certain other pest species. Ultimately, however your permission owner is letting you wander around their property with a gun in order to carry out pest control and let you shoot for your enjoyment. Really this is a question that you need to ask the owner of your permission because if you want to keep it they have the final say. If they need the rabbits controlling and that is the reason they let you shoot there then that is what you shoot, if they enjoy watching the cute little tree rats playing then you aren't going to do yourself any favours by cracking down on the squirrel population! Basically what I'm saying is you need to sit down with the owner of your permission and come to an agreement with them as to what you can and cannot shoot because your main priority is to keep them happy :D

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I agree with jamess410 but if there are squirrels on your perm make sure that they are gray and not red as shooting reds will land you in big sh*t .


At the end of the day the land owner is the boss .


im lucky as i can shoot every thing on the license ,on my perms and im often phoned up to go and take care of some thing

for them .


as James has said ask the owner and keep him or her happy


And most of all keep your perm as there hard enough to come by


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Hi Muzzie, welcome to the forum.

You have come to the best place when it comes to picking up tips on hunting/shooting.

I've put a link below which you might want to read. It covers just about all of the main points when it comes to airgunning along with a link to the 'General Licence'

Good luck with your pest control. I assume that you you are able to put a pellet inside a 10p piece at all of your hunting distances, every time. If not, don't shoot/injure your prey until you can guarantee a kill every time.

All the best.

Link here: http://basc.org.uk/airgunning/basc-air-rifle-code-of-practice/

Edited by 4sight
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  On 17/10/2014 at 20:51, Muzzie said:

Hi 4sight

Just reread the BACs info , is says if you're , hunting use a hunting pellet , I use AA field in 177, any ideas what I should use, I was thinking of H& N barracudas??



Don't worry about what pellet you use as long as you are capable of hitting your one inch kill zone consistently at your chosen maximum range with it. In my humble opinion,however, AA fields are one of the finest pellets out there for almost every scenario :)

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Like other have said fella speak with the gaffa..


I have permission for rabbits but will pop of pigeons (feral or wood ) & crows..


Don't be shooting song birds or anything that moves..


If theres not much about, your better shooting targets or cans and improving your grouping.


Enjoy the permission is hard to get and easy to lose :victory:

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  On 17/10/2014 at 20:51, Muzzie said:

Hi 4sight

Just reread the BACs info , is says if you're , hunting use a hunting pellet , I use AA field in 177, any ideas what I should use, I was thinking of H& N barracudas??





Just find the most accurate pellet for your gun at your chosen zero ,then try it out at 5 yard intervals say up to 55 yards , what might group well at 30 yard might be terrible at 40 yards.

When I buy a new gun ,I spend hours on pellet testing be for I even think about taking it into the field and even still do it to the guns I have every few months :thumbs:

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As above.

From experience, a good domed pellet from a major manufacturer is the way to go. Whatever you use, it must group accurately at your hunting ranges. Not a lot of good if perfect at 15yds and crap at 40.

My rec is to use Air Arms or JSB Field/Diabolo ( JSB make rebadged pellets for Air Arms and Daystate).


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