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Muse Ideas?


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There's nothing wrong in collecting different ideas & thinking for yourself as well, I never had a mentor, so don't really get the idea of just doing everything one person tells you to do......

& if I did have one & they were pissed off because I sought other peoples opinions.....they would rapidly lose my respect

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Hi here is a section of stuff I posted on here a while back. May give you a few bits to think about.

Most people with large aviaries have pea gravel down sand is good in small weatherings but needs to be kept dry or it just goes to mush! So pea is good. + can be replaced after years. Look at where you will be putting the perches as the bird will projectile poo behind where it sits!! I would recommend lining the inside with fomex or stiff plastic board this can be wiped down easily. Heating is another thing to consider and in the first year they are quite venerable to frost cold + drafts, do not put away wet, hair dryer the bird but dryer must be Teflon free as Teflon will poison the bird and kill it, don't leave bath in in winter. Put perches out of drafts and if very cold you could box and bring the house, worth it as all your hard work will go out the window if they get wingtip / frost bite on wing.

Also where windows will face, nice to see bird but can contribute to calling if he can see you all the time. I have 30 mm spacing in my bars. Look out for cats on roofs pestering or cat proof roof with nets. I have also made it so I can slide in two shutters. I can have half window when cold and bird can sit at back and full window in summer. Also put window perch below window level bird can see out but poos below window level


All the best


Lee c

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Thanks for all your comments lads, like what has been said, I do have a mentor, but he encourages me to think for my self and do things my own way, when I was an apprentice carpenter if I done everything my mentor who was teaching me done then I'd probably be really shit at my job now lol, it's the same for apprentices that I have working with me, best way to learn is make mistakes then get over them yourself. If you rely on other people to get you out the shit all the time then what are you actually learning?? It's great to have someone keep an eye on you, but you need to do things your own way! I see why mentors are important in falconry, but some old school falconers are way to anal on the whole " having a mentor". Thing.

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