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As far as I can see, there is no one size fits all solution, every family situation will be different dependant on what type of people you are, background, are you straight runners or do you know a little of how the darker side of life works.........all different options and scenarios


End of the day, all you can do is love them and support them and hope you find the solution that fits your situation.

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They'll grow out of it its just the age I'd say. How many are the same as they was when 17? Abit of weed isn't the cause of it IMO. And I'm not a smoker or one of these pro weed people who thinks it cures everything. Plenty of people smoke weed and are alright tbh I'd rather kids had a puff on a joint rather than getting drunk. It's not good and I wouldn't want my kids doing it but far worse kids get upto. Not saying put up with their attitude and wait for them to grow out of it. Let em know you ain't having it anymore and set punishments for when they do. Don't know what else you can do really.

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They're going to be moody weed or no weed, they're at that age where they are learning to become an adult yet still have many childish traits governing their actions. I know its hard but there comes a time when you have to take a step back and let them get on with it. With regards to the weed, the important thing to convey across to them is moderation IMO. Weed ain't good or healthy for you, but in moderation it ain't all that harmful to the vast majority of people either..

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stamp it out...no drink no drugs...none off it is good for the soul...thats coming from a long time user of both,,,


am a full time dad now and theres never a day gos past i dont show him a horror storrys about one or the other with out him noing about it..


fingers x..but kids will be kids..we have all been there.

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Tough job parenting mate, no right or wrong, and at their age they're becoming their own people so straight forward " you cant do that, or else....." Doesn't work so well.

My girls coming up 16, I'm very strict (compared to some), but we've got a good relationship, her mothers her confidante nd I'm Dad!! There's boundaries and it's simply if you want to keep your privileges, ( phone, computer, the next party etc) don't cross them. But there teenagers and at the minute alls good, next week who knows?.


Talk to them mate, be strict, they might hate you for a day or 2 but will thank you in the long run..

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