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here you go! got two step lads that are 15 and 17 both been brought up well, we also have a daughter between us aged 11, the two lads have been going out every night like lads do.

over the past year its been dicovered there both smoking weed! and its made a big differnce to there personality.. moody bad tempered rude ect, we have tried to talk to them both but get nowhere at all just laughed at! then off they go out again! they mean the world to us and its breaking there mums heart.


We have contacted the police about the local problems but seems to fall on def ears.Has any one had this problem with there lads and how did you deal with it? we have always involved them in stuff and never just left them to fend for thereselfs, the older lad is working and the younger lad will as soon as he leaves school so no worrys there.


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What can you do, atleast there not on the dark .. Like alot of kids are these days,Oviously its immpossible to stop them smoking if they want to smoke and going on about it will only make them sneaky about it. I would not mention it too or infront of them. They grow out of it or just be lads who like a smoke?? Soon they be old enough and grown up to make the right decicions and im sure they will do just that

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A couple of approaches comes to mind ... Firstly get your missus to talk to them on her own ... Her emotions will soon kick in when she starts to tell them her fears etc and when the tears are rolling hopefully this will be enough to get them to see how upset their mum is and what effect it's having on her and just maybe be enough for them to stop ....


Collect all the medical evidence you can to show the negative effect that smoking blow is going to have on them including the fact that many employers now carry out random drug tests and that if they are caught then their chances of a decent job will be dashed and also the chance of a criminal record ....


If all else fails and as a last resort then tell them that they need to live by the rules of the house and part of the rules is that you don't smoke weed so either they play by the rules or give them a week to find somewhere else to live ... Harsh I know but sometimes that's what needed .......

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its all out in the open, so thats a start, stopping them doing what they are doing is....... not going to be easy, if you are able to at all. But if communication is open then its gonna be a big help. The biggest problem is the fella they are going to buy their weed from, what else do they see round his pad that is cool and new. As a dad that is my biggest fear, and one that has been discussed lots of times with my 17 year old girl, shes just started boxing and getting right into it, ive kept my distance just dropping her and her mate off and picking them up etc, but she told me she wants me to come in and have a look round.. maybe theres sommat local to you that theyd be interested in, with a bit of subtle guidance.


Hope all goes well, its clear you care :thumbs:

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They're teenagers mate moody isn't because of weed it's more likely the butrning the candle at both ends ;)


As for the actual smoking you fight it and you will lose! Sorry to say but it is true mate

as already said talk to them but I would leave the weed alone and talk about fears of other things like coke or pills etc that is what you should be worried about not a bit of bud ;)



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  On 15/10/2014 at 17:19, mushroom said:

They're teenagers mate moody isn't because of weed it's more likely the butrning the candle at both ends ;)


As for the actual smoking you fight it and you will lose! Sorry to say but it is true mate

as already said talk to them but I would leave the weed alone and talk about fears of other things like coke or pills etc that is what you should be worried about not a bit of bud ;)




Just had one meself shroom cant see the problem with it. Up at the window now looking out


For what?




I dont know :/

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  On 15/10/2014 at 17:19, mushroom said:

They're teenagers mate moody isn't because of weed it's more likely the butrning the candle at both ends ;)

As for the actual smoking you fight it and you will lose! Sorry to say but it is true mate

as already said talk to them but I would leave the weed alone and talk about fears of other things like coke or pills etc that is what you should be worried about not a bit of bud ;)


Good advice this ,I was the same at that age a proper pot head my mum didn't hit the roof she talked to me like an adult talked about the other things like heroin and stuff .i gave up at 21 not touched it since my uncle on the other hand said my cousin was pushed into it and blamed everyone but him , it was everyone else's fault when he nicked his credit card ,the same when he got caught dealing weed then coke then everyone else when he was a full blown coke head . It was still everyone else's fault when he remortgaged his house to pay for rehab
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Cant you get them out hunting with you mate ? into a gym or sports ?.......maybe get the older lad through his driving test ?.....things that will not only fill their minds with positive thoughts but also take a few quid out of their pocket towards something thats beneficial to them rather than that mucky horrible shit.......must admit id be gutted in your boots so can understand your concern and good for you :thumbs:

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Know how you feel main man my middle daughter 17 is well off the rails smokes like a train and takes god knows what. Can't get no sense hell bent on self destruction and sod all we can do. One minute want to throw her out next hug the silly cow lol. Hard for her mum though she constantly worries

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