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Hunt Badges

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Hi everybody

A few years ago when I used to follow hounds (a fare few now )

Every body was mad on hunt badges used to spend half the day pissing about swapping with other followers if we went up to the lakes for example

Sold all mine some years back and they went for some good money

It was about the time hunts clicked on and started changing design or colour every season

Still got a few hunt buttons ( and would never part with the otter stuff I have mainly buttons

But was just interested if people still collect stuff like we did ( I know darcy who I think puts stuff on here used to as I saw his collection of badges once apon a time a long long time ago we called in once on the way to the lakes )

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When I was in hunt service I kept a button off my scarlet coat, as I moved about I kept one off each coat, as I got to know other hunt staff I would try and get one, so when I left hunting I had loads of them, then out of bordem one day I sowed them all on to a hunt tie thinking it would look cool, I ruined a very good bfs tie and it looked stupid


But hey ho each to their own.

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