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Trapping Squirrels

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How high off the branch are you setting these snares?

Mine are around five foot mark. If there is anything, and i mean anything, they can climb up they will do. Once they find a purchase they can get to work knawing through the wire. It doesn't take long for then chisel-like teeth to get through 0.7 seven strand wire! :D And anyone who has done any amount of squirrel snaring will have had chew-offs, it's just the nature of the beast. there's lots to be learned from watching videos of squirrels reactions to snares. the height they run the pole always varies and i have to say that some of the heights to the bottom of the wire need to be taken with a pinch of salt. In order to snare effectively you want them in a bit of a bottleneck, not a three inch board, but running area of less than an inch if you can. they bottleneck them some more with wire hoop teelers. I never use a loaded snare, this will just be constantly set off by squirrels i have found. A small, tight noose set right on the wire bottleneck seems to sort them out. The wire teeler hoop will bend over and the wire will pull through or off the rubber whammy. Mr squirrel is now in trouble.

I use a strong peanut feeder as they eat too much food too fast in the trays. The trays are an american invention, i have used them but much prefer a bird feeder.I want them to have to make as many visits as possible, and they'll soon bring their buddys along. Thats my take on things, but i'm still learning... :victory:

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A Mutha fukcing snare off!! Love it...

Make yourself a ply box with just enough clearance over the top of a Mk 4, put a hole in each end and sprinkle liberally with nuts. Job done.  

Probably because Kanias are ten times the price of a fenn ..........

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OK guys, a good topic seems to have 'wandered' somewhat....


To the two fellas who are long standing members, both of whom I respect; please take it to PM.


To Liam, please stop using bloody text talk! I've got better things to do with my time than removing posts that contain illegible text talk and 'ganstar' language. Save it for faceache fellah; it's not wanted or allowed here.


As for squirrels, I'm not expert, but I've done a bit. Take a look at the (crap) films I've put on youtube this summer, or do a search on here.

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Okay mate. I'll make tunnels out of any old shit I find about. Bricks and rocks are quite good, especially if you dig them in for permanent sets, but they are a ball ache to lug about even on the quad. When I am building tunnels in such a way though I like to really bottleneck the tunnel onto the trap pan. I figure this puts the target on the right spot but also prevents it f***ing about turning around too much in the tunnel and foul catching. Just my theory, I don't do much but it's worked for me.

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Cheers for advice mate its all trial and error at end of day was haooy seeing some in traps today hopefully might have a couple more when I finish work later the tunnels I made were just made of logs that were knocking about in the woods seem to be doing the job just try make them abit bigger are use sum of the mesh I use for making the live traps with

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