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Red Tail Female Swop For Female Harris

James penfold

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I take it this is the same bird you got from Mike Wyatt? you are doing the typical first time redtail owners mistake, you have probably flown a Harris before and decided to try a red yes? So then as you have admitted in a different post, you tried to train/treat it like a Harris, you could not get a good response so you kept dropping the weight(as you say it was a BAD idea) reds are not like Harris hawks they must be worked hard for their rations and held steady at a weight you can get a decent response at, then repetition is the key it is no good trying to get twenty 50 yard flights for a chick leg, much better is to get three or four good instant responses for a full chick, then get them going on the lure, flying free and hunting, if you keep dropping the weight they go into fasting mode and become even more truculent, this is whan people then drop them some more and bingo you have got one seriously evil dangerous hawk on your hands, my advice to you is get some feathers imped in, you say she is flying free at 2lb10 oz ok well work the ass off her at that and get her killing quick, once she starts you will never look back, reds are awesome but take more work to get them going than a Harris, my male is due to start free flights any day (weather permitting) if he was a Harris he would have been killing for a fortnight, but they are worth it in the end mate trust me, put the work in and you WILL reap the rewards, good luck.

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