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First X Bull Grey ?

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Just needed a few owners opinions, a friend of mine has a pure red nose pit nearly 4 years old proven stud nice and leggy and really well muscled and good strong head, all round cracking dog, i was thinking it could make a good first x if put over an ex track grey, just wanted to know if anyone has this x and what there like as in top speed, turn speed, height, temperament etc cheers

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Just needed a few owners opinions, a friend of mine has a pure red nose pit nearly 4 years old proven stud nice and leggy and really well muscled and good strong head, all round cracking dog, i was thinking it could make a good first x if put over an ex track grey, just wanted to know if anyone has this x and what there like as in top speed, turn speed, height, temperament etc cheers

Rubbish at all of the above
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Yh i know what your saying but 90% of the bull xs down this way are absolute pants some of the bull blood there putin in em is pointless english bull, short stumpy staffs that can barely breath list of shit goes on, just thought this could make a real good first generation and would only do it for a pup myself other pups wouldnt be sold but given to friends who are looking for exact same thing

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there aint many genuine firstxs out there now I think if that's what you want get it done im sure youd get homes for them but you shouldn't have to ask oppinions

the ones I had were spot on and were fast enough for owt :thumbs:

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