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Did They Not Research The Breed

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Being sold as 'an honest mistake'....which can happen. Some folk just don't appreciate how boisterous & energetic a pup can be, or how destructive it can be also. If someone realises that they can't properly look after the dog, then it's probably better off rehomed.

If that was the case here though, I'd expect to see them try and cut their losses...., not ask £200 for the pup.

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Has no one noticed she's trying to get £200 for it which con artists are selling collie pups for that much. Every farmer I know gives there Cur pups away for free they do round here I don't no about anywhere else.

got some new permission last night and the farmer was trying to give me some brown/red border collie pups lol :yes:

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Being sold as 'an honest mistake'....which can happen. Some folk just don't appreciate how boisterous & energetic a pup can be, or how destructive it can be also. If someone realises that they can't properly look after the dog, then it's probably better off rehomed.

If that was the case here though, I'd expect to see them try and cut their losses...., not ask £200 for the pup.

Asking a high price will deter folk who are going to make the same mistake "Awe, a fluffy puppy and it's free" which is not going to benefit the pup at all. Asking for £200 might generate genuine folk and after discovering genuine folk the person could then say "it's free as I'd rather it went to a proper home"

It all depends on how responsible the owner is, genuine reason for rehoming or can't be arsed and wants their money back (and a bit more at that price).

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They made a mistake, it happens. They'd be better trying to find it a good home for free, and take the loss on what they paid for it... far better than it ending up in a pound. We should be VERY carefull about slagging people who have made a mistake; how many Lurchers get passed from pillar to post ???????

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Being sold as 'an honest mistake'....which can happen. Some folk just don't appreciate how boisterous & energetic a pup can be, or how destructive it can be also. If someone realises that they can't properly look after the dog, then it's probably better off rehomed.

If that was the case here though, I'd expect to see them try and cut their losses...., not ask £200 for the pup.


Asking a high price will deter folk who are going to make the same mistake "Awe, a fluffy puppy and it's free" which is not going to benefit the pup at all. Asking for £200 might generate genuine folk and after discovering genuine folk the person could then say "it's free as I'd rather it went to a proper home"

It all depends on how responsible the owner is, genuine reason for rehoming or can't be arsed and wants their money back (and a bit more at that price).

The owner needs to grow some. If they can't look after a dog, what hope have they got witha child

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