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Out with the ferts

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Nice afternoon,so me and the lad took the ferts and the lurcher out for a quick mooch.We decided to do one of the horse field's,but on arrival,we found the land owners wife and daughter practicing on the jumps.Decided to do some holes just inside the wood that borders the field,as i didn't like the thought of the pup hair arsing across the field with the horse's jumping close by.First bury was straightforward,we didn't net just let the ferret bolt them to the pup.3 rabbits came out and Skye (just back doing a little,after being a bit under the weather) nails the first out,after about 20 yards.Moved to another bury with 8 holes about an hour and a half before dark,and yes we get a sitter.Pinpointed the fert at 4 foot and started digging,what a nightmare, roots everywhere! Just about to break through and the locator go's quiet,the fert has moved but i can here he's got his quarry.Started digging in a different place,and bang! out comes the rabbit and half a second later Skye has it in her mouth and brings it back.Not a great session,but exciting,and nice to see the pup fighting fit again. :thumbs:









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That particular spade looks like the ones bellman and flint do.




I have a similar one but ot has a fibreglass shaft from tooled up. Quite a handy little tool.




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  Ron Weasley said:
Lovely stuff...and agreed- that spade looks the business!! Any info on it please?!


Its the same one as advertised by bellman and flint,but i got mine from a metal detector shop for £7.50.Ive seen them on that well known auction site as well.HTH's.Bill :thumbs:

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