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Sgt Al Blackman

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If you haven't already folks, consider this petition please to support one of our lads.   http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/56810   He did f**k all that we wouldn't expect of our lads if t

Sgt Al Blackman is a bootneck, a Royal Marine Commando. When on a tour in Afghan his patrol was redirected to check out the aftermath of an Apache engagement of insurgents. They found one, who moments

Totally agree, shit happens in war. The scum that he was fighting against would have done what he did without a second thought.Fed up hearing from homoliberosexuals that that is what makes us differen

Sgt Al Blackman is a bootneck, a Royal Marine Commando. When on a tour in Afghan his patrol was redirected to check out the aftermath of an Apache engagement of insurgents. They found one, who moments previously was attacking ISAF forces, wounded by the Apache. Instead of administering first aid (as is supposedly required of our lads) to the all but dead insurgent the Sgt put a bullet in him and finished what the Apache had started.


The only reason he got caught was because one of his patrol had a helmet cam which the downloaded footage from it was found by police after investigating that particular marine for an unrelated crime.


He didn't break the Geneva Convention, he didn't torture his enemy or commit any other such crime, he simply killed an insurgent like we sent him there to do. It's all very well fighting with honour in a PC war but I think the West is waking up to what evil fuckers these Islamists are. The dishonourably discharged and imprisoned Sgt saw that first hand.


The petition is asking for his immediate release from his 8 year sentence. At the very least sign it to show him we support him.

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been following the page since it was started. he should never have been charged never mind convicted

Totally agree, shit happens in war. The scum that he was fighting against would have done what he did without a second thought.

Fed up hearing from homoliberosexuals that that is what makes us different blah blah fcuking blah.

Pardon the cliché but "kill them all and let God sort them out."

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War is a confusing place to be, and asymmetrical thoughts and actions have to be made - I know that


What I cannot condone though, is bringing the war back home with you in the form of momentos on your laptop or phone to show off with later


That is what he was locked up for IMO - what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

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OTC, Blackman didn't do that. He didn't bring anything back with him, and in fact on the recording he quite clearly says that what happens should remain in that shithole.


He was locked up because the British Gov try to paint a whiter than white image of our military campaigns when the reality of them is that we need ruthless men and the British military has been feared in part because we can call on them.


When difficult jobs need doing we have regiments and corps that pride themselves on their exceptional ability to destroy those that choose to fight them. Those that want to fight with honour have been met with honour...... those that don't soon realise they have met their nemesis.

Edited by Born Hunter
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It wasn't his laptop or helmet cam mate, it was one of the marines in his patrol. Regardless, imo no crime was committed and I think many feel the same way. :thumbs:


The marine that the footage belonged to was under investigation for another unrelated crime by civilian police. His laptop was searched and that footage was found which started a completely new investigation.

Edited by Born Hunter
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