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If You Won The Lotto.......

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Plenty land with a few lakes and woods on, Id put up a massive fence around it all and a log cabin on. A log burner, some solar panels, windmills watermill etc to power it all so all them bills can ge

A thermo nuclear war head and Royal Mail the fuckerr to Tony Blair's gaff lol   In seriouness I'd probably buy a big stretch of land and set up a free outdoor skills retreat for under priviliged kid

Depends how much.......100 mill id quite fancy buying a football club........20 mill id quite fancy buying Wales   Either way having done most of the stuff i ever wanted to do in all seriousness id

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if i got the 100mil....the very first thing i would do is buy a bit of land a small bit of land and make a cottage stable block and kennal block and give it to a young woman i know with 2 little girls who has and still has a c**t of a life....she deserves better than is her lot..and i wish i could be the one to help her...she realy dose deserve it!








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Have often wondered this. You've brought all that you wanted and first year or 2 done everything you ever wished to do. Now what? What do you do to keep sane and not drive yourself mad with bordem. I know you can do whatever you want but once you've done your bucket list type thing then what. I'm not saying get a job lol I hate the idea of working until old to be honest. That in itself is a prison sentence to me and if the chance came up to earn life changing money I'm game lol.


Whole charity thing bores me sorta thing. Everyone always does it and its worse when they want the public to know they've done it. Money has different values I always think if your gonna help out then give your time. That said someone mentioned a few things on here which I'd happily help out with both money and time. Other than that to keep myself busy and for sheer joy I'd probably try start my own line of dogs. Never bred a litter in my life so not into breeding. If you got the time and money then why not have ago at producing a line of dogs.

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Whole charity thing bores me sorta thing.

:blink: You sound like a rather confused individual....... helping others is about them not you !


Besides which,having wasted money on all sorts of shit over the years i can honestly say watching the face of a young child you have just helped is by far the most exciting thing ive ever done with money and something i,ll never get bored of till the day i die !......Try it you might just surprise yourself ;)

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It would have been great to meet some of the kids that the fishing charity money whent to this year and see the happiness it can bring but just knowing that I helped contribute in a tiny way is enough for me .......

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It would have been great to meet some of the kids that the fishing charity money whent to this year and see the happiness it can bring but just knowing that I helped contribute in a tiny way is enough for me .......


The beauty is not the seeing but the knowing...........seeing it is a bonus but being able to look at yourself in the mirror every day without swearing and shouting is reward in itself :D

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