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Another Child Killed By A Dog

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Ive never bought into that no bad dogs just bad owners thing its just unrealistic to expect everything born of nature to be without fault......bulldogs being genetically that much closer to the source

The breed's immaterial really. People need to learn that no dogs should be trusted to be left alone with small kids & babies. Seems no matter how many times we read & hear about these incident

R.I.P. Young un... regards no bad dog, absolute tosh! over the yrs, i have kept and worked bullbreeds and terriers. all were raised and reared in exactly the same conditions. the vast majority were s

  On 07/10/2014 at 21:59, WILF said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 16:41, oneredtrim said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 00:00, dare said:

Lost me :/


Rather ironic your lost Dare...a cockney kid (double irony) had a an akita up here before the latest fashion trend, he liked to walk round the local parks with it leadless and 60ft ahead of him whilst he chatted to his mistress on his mobile. Naturally it chewed a few dogs up and he seemed somewhat non-plussed with his mutt being victorious. Tongues started to wagg (i know) especially after the akita maced Mrs Makins little trixy, £500 and a good vet saved Trixy and she went to the cockneys door with the invoice, she copped a backhander from the Mrs. I'm in the newsagents 2 days later and one of the local girls started after spotting the cockney at the till ' Reggie Krays had £500 out of Sylvia's purse' she announced to the q-ing punters, Reggie Kray means non native, everybody in the shop bar the geezer @the till was local, he smirked at the now screaming girl 'you carry on Reggie see how far you get '. 4 days later my beautiful interrupted me poached egg on haddock by telling me there was an akita in the park, was it leadless i asked, not really she said, it was lay on the roundabout, it's head was on the swings. Any sign of Reggie Kray i asked, no...the St.'s taped off.


I'll have to apologise Dare over not explaining my psycological thoughts regarding me own recent near miss, the owner of the terrier i was walking garden forked the last pit type dog to attack his terrier to the owners front door. I'd obviously presumed it was simply a case of a dog escapeing, though i was slightly perplexed about the owners lack of apology once he made an appearance...the terriers owners son in law seen the scenario completely differently....so did the local femme's when spotting his Mrs on the school run(falling into pregnant women half cut and showing the same disregard aint a pill that goes down well with females), thankfully they got the jist to what a Reggie Kray shout means and f****d off. Unfortunately the cockneys ego got him all offside.

Genuine question matey........how the f**k do you end up involved in someway in all these different situations?

I mean are you like some kind of human lightening rod for weird events or what ?

What weird events??? Lol..

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  On 07/10/2014 at 21:59, WILF said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 16:41, oneredtrim said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 00:00, dare said:

Lost me :/


Rather ironic your lost Dare...a cockney kid (double irony) had a an akita up here before the latest fashion trend, he liked to walk round the local parks with it leadless and 60ft ahead of him whilst he chatted to his mistress on his mobile. Naturally it chewed a few dogs up and he seemed somewhat non-plussed with his mutt being victorious. Tongues started to wagg (i know) especially after the akita maced Mrs Makins little trixy, £500 and a good vet saved Trixy and she went to the cockneys door with the invoice, she copped a backhander from the Mrs. I'm in the newsagents 2 days later and one of the local girls started after spotting the cockney at the till ' Reggie Krays had £500 out of Sylvia's purse' she announced to the q-ing punters, Reggie Kray means non native, everybody in the shop bar the geezer @the till was local, he smirked at the now screaming girl 'you carry on Reggie see how far you get '. 4 days later my beautiful interrupted me poached egg on haddock by telling me there was an akita in the park, was it leadless i asked, not really she said, it was lay on the roundabout, it's head was on the swings. Any sign of Reggie Kray i asked, no...the St.'s taped off.


I'll have to apologise Dare over not explaining my psycological thoughts regarding me own recent near miss, the owner of the terrier i was walking garden forked the last pit type dog to attack his terrier to the owners front door. I'd obviously presumed it was simply a case of a dog escapeing, though i was slightly perplexed about the owners lack of apology once he made an appearance...the terriers owners son in law seen the scenario completely differently....so did the local femme's when spotting his Mrs on the school run(falling into pregnant women half cut and showing the same disregard aint a pill that goes down well with females), thankfully they got the jist to what a Reggie Kray shout means and f****d off. Unfortunately the cockneys ego got him all offside.

Genuine question matey........how the f**k do you end up involved in someway in all these different situations?


I mean are you like some kind of human lightening rod for weird events or what ?



Heroin...in a nut shell Wilf, early 80's, put the shit in amongst us, plastic manks. They hoisted me grans milk/bread/eggs and orange that were left by the milkman in the wall crate, when they were asked to return the goods they threatened arson, completely mis-reading the situation (you've had dough out of a 72yr olds purse), 3 hrs later they done high dives off the flats. Me being me i asked about the legalities of it and got told to try telling folk up and down the country you're burning thier ma unless she tips up...see how ya go on....there was no ready answer, it was what it was.


That ^ and i go out a lot, i travelled every district of M/c from being a kid, seen a kid drown a bull somert or the other one day, very efficient was he...the two kids that owned it legged it (they were next)

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  On 07/10/2014 at 22:59, oneredtrim said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 21:59, WILF said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 16:41, oneredtrim said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 00:00, dare said:

Lost me :/



Rather ironic your lost Dare...a cockney kid (double irony) had a an akita up here before the latest fashion trend, he liked to walk round the local parks with it leadless and 60ft ahead of him whilst he chatted to his mistress on his mobile. Naturally it chewed a few dogs up and he seemed somewhat non-plussed with his mutt being victorious. Tongues started to wagg (i know) especially after the akita maced Mrs Makins little trixy, £500 and a good vet saved Trixy and she went to the cockneys door with the invoice, she copped a backhander from the Mrs. I'm in the newsagents 2 days later and one of the local girls started after spotting the cockney at the till ' Reggie Krays had £500 out of Sylvia's purse' she announced to the q-ing punters, Reggie Kray means non native, everybody in the shop bar the geezer @the till was local, he smirked at the now screaming girl 'you carry on Reggie see how far you get '. 4 days later my beautiful interrupted me poached egg on haddock by telling me there was an akita in the park, was it leadless i asked, not really she said, it was lay on the roundabout, it's head was on the swings. Any sign of Reggie Kray i asked, no...the St.'s taped off.


I'll have to apologise Dare over not explaining my psycological thoughts regarding me own recent near miss, the owner of the terrier i was walking garden forked the last pit type dog to attack his terrier to the owners front door. I'd obviously presumed it was simply a case of a dog escapeing, though i was slightly perplexed about the owners lack of apology once he made an appearance...the terriers owners son in law seen the scenario completely differently....so did the local femme's when spotting his Mrs on the school run(falling into pregnant women half cut and showing the same disregard aint a pill that goes down well with females), thankfully they got the jist to what a Reggie Kray shout means and f****d off. Unfortunately the cockneys ego got him all offside.

Genuine question matey........how the f**k do you end up involved in someway in all these different situations?

I mean are you like some kind of human lightening rod for weird events or what ?

Heroin...in a nut shell Wilf, early 80's, put the shit in amongst us, plastic manks. They hoisted me grans milk/bread/eggs and orange that were left by the milkman in the wall crate, when they were asked to return the goods they threatened arson, completely mis-reading the situation (you've had dough out of a 72yr olds purse), 3 hrs later they done high dives off the flats. Me being me i asked about the legalities of it and got told to try telling folk up and down the country you're burning thier ma unless she tips up...see how ya go on....there was no ready answer, it was what it was.


That ^ and i go out a lot, i travelled every district of M/c from being a kid, seen a kid drown a bull somert or the other one day, very efficient was he...the two kids that owned it legged it (they were next)

I'm not trying to be clever here, I just can't understand a thing you are writing. Are you saying someone stole some bread and milk from you grand mothers house and they ended up being killed?

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So because an old girls grocery got nicked when you was a kid, this led to you have some type if involvement or knowledge of every dog fight, gangland incident, street thuggery, theft and footballing related "oddness" in the greater Manchester area ?

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I'm not trying to be clever here, I just can't understand a thing you are writing. Are you saying someone stole some bread and milk from you grand mothers house and they ended up being killed?



You can say that ^ again Seeker, nobody did the high dive over the bread and milk, that's why it was asked to be returned, i'm guessing the performing arts were employed cause someone threatened to burn a pensioner....like they said 'you think it's dramatic then give it whirl see how ya go on'.

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  On 05/10/2014 at 09:37, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/10/2014 at 00:38, *The*Field*Marshall* said:

Yes the pit bull terriers are no doubting dangerous dogs being so fast and powerful for relatively small dogs. . That tendency to 'snap' would be more owed to the terrier ancestry than the bull, the British bull dog is far more placid than the jack russel for example.


My father was a friend to Maurice Dann of Plymouth, I often had the privilege of roaming around his court yards with his boys when I was 11/12, I became fascinated with the temperament of these infamous dogs. . I knew what they were bred and used for and expected to be met the rails with fearsome vibes, instead they were steady and affectionate dogs, one of them, a retired bitch from what I can remember, she even lived indoors with the family. The ownership or lack of to these dogs make a monumental difference. It not an absolute rule, there are exceptions, but I would stick with - generally bad come from bad owners.


I have absolute trust in my two long dogs. . Both are big, strong and regularly worked, my old hag of a mother-in-law is always saying "keep them away from my grandson" I don't take too kindly to people informing me of what to do with my dogs and child, so the other day, I was sat in the garden with my boy on knee, mother-in-law present, I called my dogs from around the back, they both came and greeted by sniffing and lapping at the boy. Mother-in-law "oh, they like him? Ah yes. But would leave them alone with him? Absolutely not - why would anyone do that.

To say bad comes from bad or good comes from good depends entirely what you are classing as a good/bad trait...good/bad owner......the greatest trait within an Apbt is gameness and the desire to never stop an aggressive encounter once started......yet in a family pet dog situation that is a risky,possibly disastrous trait to have !...................so is a person who sells the greatest trait the breed has into the worst possible type of home a good or bad owner/breeder ?


I probably sound like a broken record on this subject but i still maintain that the further you breed working/sporting dogs away from what they was designed for the more problems you will have with them........some of Mo Dann's dogs being perfect examples.....he used to have a lot of Mayfield dogs,a very genetically pure line of family dogs bred,tested and selected from the pit,although they didnt make great competition dogs in their own right they crossed brilliantly on any line and produced some great dogs due to their genetic strength,in other words the breeding was there.........these type of dogs usually ended up in the hands of people who knew the dogs and knew their use and very rarely did accidents with the public occur......the accidents we are seeing all too often these days are from dogs that although close up genetically on those same dogs are bred today with absolutely no purpose ....they are nothing really to do with the combat dogs there heritage suggests......therefore you have dogs being bred who have very capable dogs back 4/5/6 generations before them who have absolutely no use and no outlet for the 100 years of selective energy behind them......had they carried on being bred,tested and selected for the pit only we wouldnt be seeing these problems......i guess the saying could be " man destroyed what man created ".....but this breed has not been destroyed by the men that created them they have been destroyed by the general public who in this country in particular didnt even know what they were until 30 odd years ago !.....Far as im aware very few other breeds of dogs have had the same heavy cross to bear that the Apbt has had as a victim of its own success.


Excellent post and insight gnash, your depth of knowledge on the breed and subject is more than I can reckon with.


My concern is this, the authorities are presently more concerned on the breed(s) of dog rather than the owners and settings the dogs becomes subjected to. I do think there should stringent criteria attached to being able to own a dog that is deemed high risk, that said I think there is a danger of the baby being thrown out with the bath water and in the future it may be difficult for most.


Essentially it seems to me (I could be wrong ?) that the number dog attacks is increasing, all things considered I would still blame it on unsuitable owners, settings, much like kids with bad parents, create unruly menaces to society.

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  On 08/10/2014 at 08:35, WILF said:

So because an old girls grocery got nicked when you was a kid, this led to you have some type if involvement or knowledge of every dog fight, gangland incident, street thuggery, theft and footballing related "oddness" in the greater Manchester area ?


i know you've mentioned before Wilf that you dont go out a lot, am i right in presuming you was'nt kidding, i could mention 30 incidents off the top of me head with rogue dogs attacking me or me mutt and at least another ten or twenty attacks whilst running out other peoples dogs whose owners are dead or incapable, nearly every dog lad i speak with have nearly the same volume of stories dependent on how fat they are...certainly not unique to me.


Not sure what you mean about gangland incidents, i remember watching the paddy deal with pits in the 80's after the dealers set them on him walking home from the pub...in fact i remember everyone with me being folded up laffin @ the sight of the pits being hooked up on a fence post by the collars and paddy bollox strippin his shirt off ready for a 4 handed knock-up..you'll have to forgive me for watching .

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It's a fecking tragedy that in a society where everyone is much more dog aware than they ever were with dog training programmes and dog knowledge on the box , that more dogs are put down and innocent kids are killed every year,


I've long since changed my views on dogs from my starting days, if we associate dogs with a theory of mind we equate that they like us understand rights and wrongs in their actions , whereas dogs are still functioning according to how Mother Nature decrees that is Predator is attracted to Prey,


High tempered dogs bred to work in difficult conditions and to overcome huge resistance , dogs of war, pit bred animals , protection dogs are high up on the list in terms of how they relate to the world through a predator mindset but these dogs were all bred social first and foremost and in most cases the social aspect cancels out instinctive behaviour, the dog is not bred bad no matter the breed the problem lies in how the individual animal deals with change in its environment,


At the point of sudden change does it have years of pent up aggression at its disposal, does it relate to the target on an instinctive level (predator/prey) or social, (takes part in group activity ) and most importantly has it identified through its history an outlet for its energy, that is, has it clearly identified its own job through which it overcomes resistance and brings it's emotional energy levels back to zero again, fighting dogs did it with their own kind, terriers did it by overcoming and killing vermin and protection dogs do it by letting out energy on the bad guy with the sleeve, these dogs can all clearly identify and channel energy into a specific action and by doing so become the most grounded and social animals you'll encounter

That's not to say that these activities are not interchangeable , they are but the activity replacing the original behaviour most be of such magnitude that it subdues the original in intensity , eg hog hunting with pits , it's like diverting a river through a man made channel


Most dogs nowadays are not of the same calibre of yesterday but they all still have high levels of energy brought down to generations at the ready , unless joe public addresses the true nature of his dog events like this will keep occurring

Edited by Casso
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heard about a couple of scroats doing a double pike off the flats at Collyhurst Manchester , it was more dope related and courtesy of Quality Street those lads even sent the Krays back to London in the sixties, That was told to me 3 weeks ago by one of the horses mouths as it were

Edited by desertbred
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  On 08/10/2014 at 12:52, desertbred said:

heard about a couple of scroats doing a double pike off the flats at Collyhurst Manchester , it was more dope related and courtesy of Quality Street those lads even sent the Krays back to London in the sixties, That was told to me 3 weeks ago by one of the horses mouths as it were


You'd need a lot more than the Kray twins in order to tell Vincent you're burning his mother, talking to him and crerand on Tib St last month, he asked fondly about the flats chucker....lookin old, l's the opposite, looks to be getting younger.

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  On 07/10/2014 at 21:44, brad88 said:

finger f**k out of his arse bracken boy lol

haha! you may laugh....i was at one of reidys shows in donisthorpe a good few yrs back now, when this big ol' red and white am bull x type mutt locked onto a wee stafford, neither owners seemed to have much of a clue in seperating the two and one of the shouts of advise from the sidelines was "STICK YA FINGER UP IT'S ARSE!" f**k me, i nearly spilt me tango when the f****r actually stuck TWO not one finger up the beasts arse and started smashing the life out of it....and no, it didn't work lol!


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  On 08/10/2014 at 14:25, YOKEL said:


  On 07/10/2014 at 21:44, brad88 said:


finger f**k out of his arse bracken boy lol

haha! you may laugh....i was at one of reidys shows in donisthorpe a good few yrs back now, when this big ol' red and white am bull x type mutt locked onto a wee stafford, neither owners seemed to have much of a clue in seperating the two and one of the shouts of advise from the sidelines was "STICK YA FINGER UP IT'S ARSE!" f**k me, i nearly spilt me tango when the f****r actually stuck TWO not one finger up the beasts arse and started smashing the life out of it....and no, it didn't work lol!


Lol and you'd think them being at a show they actually have an interest in dogs and spent some time learning.


My dogs were always kept on the lead, was attacked plenty of times. Most the owners who's dog had poor recall soon come running faster than their dogs. All of them would get near then stand there in abit of a panic. All but one girl no older than 15 lol couldn't believe it she dived straight in and grabbed her staff before either dog got a hold. Told her to keep it on the lead and every time after that when I saw her she did. If it wasnt for the fact I couldn't be bothered with the aggro a few people would have got more than a telling.


Anyway I dislike talking about dog aggression on a subject of human aggression. Used to drive me mad when I heard someone say, the dog should be put down what if he done that to a kid. Their over mothered f***ing handbag dog would be more likely to bite. Dog attacks will continue to happen unless something is done. Don't seem like everyone can agree on an answer but the current doesn't seem to be doing much to educate people and prevent idiots from even bothering to want a dog.

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