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Its Amazing how close you can get to them isnt it :laugh::thumbs: .. well done.

Aha I don't blast them from close range just not worth it because it makes it too easy. I missed quite a few more than I hit. On the floors the hardest way to shoot I think




no offence intended with this comment just a little advice, but with that first part of the comment is what is gonna get ya caught one day and makes you sound like an amateur.


ive got 30+ years of catty shooting and pot filling under my belt and in the circles i mix in any man worth their salt will tell ya to go for the so called easy shots, no matter how close, don't consider it unsporting because sport has nothing at all to to with it, its pot filling and nothing else.


look at it like this if your driving up a lane (asuming your old enough to drive that is) and you see a load of phes 3 or 4 yards from the car window and another load maybe 15-20 yds out, what ones you gonna go for? now from your post i gather you'd leave the close ones because there too easy and go for the long range ones.

so you take your shot hit em head/ neck maybe and say the birds flapping around all over the place (nerves going) like you get with some headshots youve then gotta f@ck about 20yds from ya car trying catch it.

now i'd know i'd rather be 3-4 yds from the car when the keeper or anyone else maybe coming up that lane witch does happen (trust me i know) where i can grab it quick chuck it in the boot and move on. can you see where i'm coming from?


once again no offence intended just trying give ya some advice.

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No offence taken mate, I understand the need for effective ranges, I know my limits and don't take pot shots. I don't pass up short range shots but because I'm not shooting solely to fill the pot I like a sense of challenge and the longer shots do that for me. I don't leave close range shots what I mean is I will get to a range I'm comfortable shootimg at and take the shot, not continue to get closer until I'm shooting from a few yard away. Hope that clears it up

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