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Getting Pups Into Cover


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You can take a rolled up rabbit skin, tie it on a piece of string, and drag it through various bits of cover, letting the pups chase it. From there you can progress to hiding it in a small bramble or patch of nettles, for example, leaving the end of the string on the far side. Then let the pups, who will have already learned to follow the scent, go in and find it, while your or a friend drag the skin through to the far side. I know this isn't the real thing, but it will give them confidence to follow the scent when there is nothing in sight, and to creep into darker areas than simply tracking a scent across grass.

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They go mad when I give them a skin so I will give that a try to and a man I bought a terrier of before said that he would take them lamping to see the rabbits then let them go on it have anyonesle heard of doing it that way and again thanks for the tips much appreciated

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I sit on the edge of a wood at dusk with mine watching for Hares coming out to feed close by, once the dog see's the Hare i let it run it back into the cover, it will soon learn there's fun to be had in cover, dont let the Hare get too far out though, and if its windy you,ll want it off your back.

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