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Phantom Time....conspiracy Fun

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I can see where this thread is going to lead ffs …… ding ding RD2

Here we go! Here we go! Here we goooo.. Its all about the here and now, everything else is irrelevant..

It must be the same people who say that the earth is only 6000 years old?   TC

'Phantom time' cannot exist as astrological happenings that were calculated prior to 614AD would be out by 3oo years, such as Halley's Comet, solar eclipses. Yet they are consistent with today's astronomy without the 'phantom time' added.



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Just like God is Fraz ;)


as for phantom time what cobblers lol the Saxons started arriving in the 500-600's. Mohammed was doing his thing in the 700's, old what's his face arrived on the shores of Ireland to preach fairytales in the 600's. History was written across the world during this period as has already been mentioned ;)

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When you say "their creation is very difficult to explain and currently we would not be able to recreate that kind of structure" do you mean the physical building, or the really mind blowing stuff behind it? On count one i disagree, we are capable of the physical, on count 2 we cant match them, unless you go down the official explanation route of "coincidence" lol.


I have to say either. We cannot recreate the physical structure of the pyramids. FACT. Top architects and engineers are still trying to work out how it would be possible to create such intricate work and perfect alignment of bricks/blocks that size, and not have enough space to slide a razor blade! Oh, and add to that the PERFECTLY straight tunnels that continue on and on into the structure. We would not be able to do that either. This is not something that's open to debate. The lead engineers in the world are unsure how it could be done in those days, especially as we would not be able to do such a thing even now.


On account 1, we are not able to match that kind of structure. Check it out and then come back to me. Account 2...yeah, we can't do that either.

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fazdog It was intelligently designed buy a guy called "natural selection"....lol


Didn't god have a bet with the devil that job wouldn't lost his faith in him even if god made him lose everything even killing his kids ?

Pretty much, yeah. It's a lot more complicated, but yes. Simplified, Job was tested by the devil and he did not lose his faith in God.


I'm basing my understanding of this conversation on the principle that there must be 2 different people named Job.


Thought I'd just sit back and see where everyone was going with this. Unless someone is confusing Job with Joseph (dream interpreter with the funky coloured coat). Joseph told the pharaoh to do some things. I don't think building the pyramids was one of them though.


OOOOW, the temptation to throw a massive spanner into all this.......ooow, I'm not sure I can resist....................Pyramids.....Aquifer.....Gold Capped.....Limestone walls.....TESLA-STYLE-ELECTRICITY.........AAARGH!!!! It's so hard not to throw in this spanner!!!

Edited by RemyBolt
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When you say "their creation is very difficult to explain and currently we would not be able to recreate that kind of structure" do you mean the physical building, or the really mind blowing stuff behind it? On count one i disagree, we are capable of the physical, on count 2 we cant match them, unless you go down the official explanation route of "coincidence" lol.


I have to say either. We cannot recreate the physical structure of the pyramids. FACT. Top architects and engineers are still trying to work out how it would be possible to create such intricate work and perfect alignment of bricks/blocks that size, and not have enough space to slide a razor blade! Oh, and add to that the PERFECTLY straight tunnels that continue on and on into the structure. We would not be able to do that either. This is not something that's open to debate. The lead engineers in the world are unsure how it could be done in those days, especially as we would not be able to do such a thing even now.


On account 1, we are not able to match that kind of structure. Check it out and then come back to me. Account 2...yeah, we can't do that either.



You should work for the Smithsonian Remy lol, there's some decent stonework in the corridors,rooms, but the majority of the infill is rough work, the outside casing was dressed in situ, then polished smooth, some say it was covered in writing? The aztec walls are irregular seatings, but fit near perfect, the pyramid stuff is always regular, much easier, you seriously think with modern water cutting, grinding/polishing machines, lazer/satellite measuring gear, the ability to design a build a special crane if needs be, we couldn't duplicate these? We can't get a corridor straight? or don't know how to form a tunnel lol, i don't need to look this one up mate.

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