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Phantom Time....conspiracy Fun

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I can see where this thread is going to lead ffs …… ding ding RD2

Here we go! Here we go! Here we goooo.. Its all about the here and now, everything else is irrelevant..

It must be the same people who say that the earth is only 6000 years old?   TC

Haha no mate but one of his servants did,job from the bible,cant remember what his egyptian name was,ill get it,he was the only egyptian ruler to scrap worshipping multiple gods,an introduce worship of the one true god,he got slain for that!its well documented in egyptian writings.


No i just asked you is a rose intelligentlly designed?

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I can't give you a good answer one way or another on the rose, never looked closely at them? But if man has altered them what's the relevance? The mrs had a plant with big leaves once, i stood watching it in the rain, as the raindrops hit the leaves they collected it, and their angle always made the water go towards the plant, clever stuff, holly doesn't bother wasting energy on spikes on the leaves above grazing height, pretty interesting, but nothing that can't be put down to natural selection imo?

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Job was the arabian sheperd who showed cheops how to build the giza pyramid,threw the one true god,it took 30 yrs to build,with 100,000 workers,strangley after this 30yrs cheops reverted back to polytheism then was slain.


None of the other pyramids in egypt,or abroad have a patch on giza,job was proud an boastful of his creation but god reminded him



Then the LORD answered Job from the storm. He said: 2 "Who is this that makes my purpose unclear by saying things that are not true? 3 Be strong like a man! I will ask you questions, and you must answer me. 4 Where were you when I made the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off how big it should be? Surely you know! Who stretched a ruler across it? 6 What were the earth's foundations set on, or who put its cornerstone in place 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted with joy?"

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Job was the arabian sheperd who showed cheops how to build the giza pyramid,threw the one true god,it took 30 yrs to build,with 100,000 workers,strangley after this 30yrs cheops reverted back to polytheism then was slain.


None of the other pyramids in egypt,or abroad have a patch on giza,job was proud an boastful of his creation but god reminded him



Then the LORD answered Job from the storm. He said: 2 "Who is this that makes my purpose unclear by saying things that are not true? 3 Be strong like a man! I will ask you questions, and you must answer me. 4 Where were you when I made the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off how big it should be? Surely you know! Who stretched a ruler across it? 6 What were the earth's foundations set on, or who put its cornerstone in place 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted with joy?"


"who stretched a ruler ACROSS it" shouldn't that be ROUND it? "Corner stone" it don't sound like the author is describing a sphere there mate lol, not very specific is it, like most religious explanations, im willing to believe some higher intelligence built/designed the pyramid, the mathematics behind it are unreal, i can't see it being a coincidence, big odds, but on the same hand i don't think its your imaginary friend that did it :thumbs:


Quirks of fate on the plants mate, by some chance individuals got a random advantage, this led to better survival, not sure how much a holly would gain from not growing spikes on higher leaves exactly? but its still here, anything still in existance got it right that's all.

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Fair enough truther,so if i dare say it creation seems to foot the bill lol

i shouldnt really use quotes from bible it dont tell full story when just quoted.

Heres a bit better explanation

You laid the foundations of the great structure in Egypt, but where were you when I laid the foundations of the far greater pyramid of the earth? You laid the measures of the pyramid in Egypt, but who laid the measures of the earth, and stretched the line upon it? You fastened down in sockets the foundations of the pyramid in Egypt, {the Great Pyramid is built on four sockets} but whereupon are the foundations of the earth fastened? You laid the pyramid's completing capstone amid songs and jubilations, but who laid the capstone of the earth when the celestial morning angels sand together, and all the heavenly sons of God shouted for joy?


Dont understand your last paragraph lad? Lol

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There's bound to be some references to the pyramids in the bible, as far as i know the Hebrews started as a collection of migrant workers from different regions, who went to Egypt to work on such things, eventually they came together as the Hebrew tribe, some supposedly ending up Egyptian royalty? The thing is, assuming the dating of the pyramids is accurate, there's 1000 years between the building of the pyramids and the writing of the talmud, a lot can get lost or added in 1000 years, specially smoking opium round a camp fire lol.


Last paragraph is a half arsed attempt to explain why plants do certain things, but its more like the same plants that didn't do these things were less likely to survive, the plants with the adaptations survived eg not wasting energy on growing spikes above a certain level, advantage, catching more water than their neighbours, advantage, more likely to pass on their genes.

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So Job instructed a pharoah to build the great pyramid :hmm: The pyramid was built over a 1000 years before Job was born but I suppose its only the Bibles history that is correct is it?


I wondered how long it would take the THL zealot to spout his rhetoric.

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Haha johnny always throwing insults hi,give yourself a shake an calm down.

I think you find that job was the man that directed the plans for the pharoh,its recorded in egyptian hiroglyphs they liars to johnny haha

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Guest ragumup

fazdog It was intelligently designed buy a guy called "natural selection"....lol


Didn't god have a bet with the devil that job wouldn't lost his faith in him even if god made him lose everything even killing his kids ?

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Yes or no mate is all i need for the rose q! Intelligently designed or not?what you think?

The modern day rose has been designed by selective breeding over the last few thousand years. The original wild rose bares no resemblance to the modern Tea or Floribunda rose. So you could say man has evolved the rose from what it was.



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Yes or no mate is all i need for the rose q! Intelligently designed or not?what you think?

The modern day rose has been designed by selective breeding over the last few thousand years. The original wild rose bares no resemblance to the modern Tea or Floribunda rose. So you could say man has evolved the rose from what it was.




Well feck me I fell for it again!! Fraz you have a way of hi-jacking threads.




Lets get back to it shall we?



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