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35 Day Guideline

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To answer your question, yes that's fine. Bait internally is okay to use.


I know that a lot of farmers are buying up poisons in bulk. More than once I've been told that bait will be outlawed in X number of years. Opinions vary from 5-10 years. But most seem to think it'll be around the 8 year mark that any poison will be illegal. It's all the extra hassle of secondary poisoning and things like that. Also, there are a lot of rats becoming immune to certain poisons.


You can definitely place bait inside a chicken house to take out rats, but you'd not want it anywhere near the chickens...obviously!

Edited by RemyBolt
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  On 02/10/2014 at 17:32, RemyBolt said:


  On 02/10/2014 at 17:13, gamerooster said:

Here's a question for all you pestys, if or when poison gets banned, what do you all reckon will take over as the number one preferred choice of control for rats and mice?


ME! haha

There pretty feckin safe then, especially if you snaring them haha

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  On 02/10/2014 at 18:53, gamerooster said:


  On 02/10/2014 at 17:32, RemyBolt said:


  On 02/10/2014 at 17:13, gamerooster said:

Here's a question for all you pestys, if or when poison gets banned, what do you all reckon will take over as the number one preferred choice of control for rats and mice?

ME! haha


There pretty feckin safe then, especially if you snaring them haha



I think that a combination of traps/dogs/shooting AND GOOD HOUSE KEEPING will follow should poisons be banned

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In answer to Walshie`s comment?


Yes I do charge for the services I provide. Could not think of any decent topic to post, so went with this one.


Incidently, I AGREE with the 35 day`s. if you havent got things under control, then reavaluate things, you can still keep poison down, just justify why you need to (and write it down)

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  On 02/10/2014 at 18:53, gamerooster said:


  On 02/10/2014 at 17:32, RemyBolt said:


  On 02/10/2014 at 17:13, gamerooster said:

Here's a question for all you pestys, if or when poison gets banned, what do you all reckon will take over as the number one preferred choice of control for rats and mice?

ME! haha

There pretty feckin safe then, especially if you snaring them haha


Haha, I should have seen that coming. Good answer.


Genuinely, I think it'll have such a negative effect on the larger scale sites, e.g. chicken farms and the alike, that it'll need to be re-instigated and re-legalised. Either that or the price of eggs and other rat-effected-produce will skyrocket.


Anyone whose been under a chicken house (it's a bloody barn, not a house!) knows that good housekeeping is not really a massive option. Unless chickens are moved from house to house every few weeks, you're going to have food scraps and poop-build-up. Which guarantees rats.


My opinion, before poisons are removed from the market, invest in a rat trap making company. The share price will triple!


Until a suitable poison, that's selective in it's species, is invented, there will be a need for the real thing. Farmers will start sneaking it in from abroad, hiding it in storage, putting it out in inaccessible areas for auditors, and there will be a hell of a lot more farm cats around! Also, I'll be able to start charging for my ratting services. If I charge £10 a rat, on a good day I'll be able to make....£10.

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