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Different Bird Different Training


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if I was alone when flying I'd fly a female harris, they are pretty much predictable, and its very much good to have a walk out with the bird following on, on the fist beating cover etc, ive not had the experience flying a red even though I owned one one but I didn't fly her, but what time I did spend with her she was great, on the other hand I heard of some bloke on my estate who flew a redtail and it smashed through a living room window to get at something that was in side, and yes it got it, a lot of folk told me the red was mental

hope you make the right choice that's gonna suit you,

I love the goshawks and lucky enough to be shown the way with them, and my first one is an imprint male, and ive flown him for 5 seasons straight, he's ace and wouldn't swap him for the world

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if I was alone when flying I'd fly a female harris, they are pretty much predictable, and its very much good to have a walk out with the bird following on, on the fist beating cover etc, ive not had the experience flying a red even though I owned one one but I didn't fly her, but what time I did spend with her she was great, on the other hand I heard of some bloke on my estate who flew a redtail and it smashed through a living room window to get at something that was in side, and yes it got it, a lot of folk told me the red was mental

hope you make the right choice that's gonna suit you,

I love the goshawks and lucky enough to be shown the way with them, and my first one is an imprint male, and ive flown him for 5 seasons straight, he's ace and wouldn't swap him for the world

The sign of a good austringer........flying the same bird for 5 seasons, you obviously know what you want, good for you mate ;-)

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I remember a pal of mine flying a female red in the 90s, she would soar and remain virtually static until a rabbit was flushed, then fold her wings, and crash, and I mean crash straight into a gorse thicket, I used to think it must have broke its neck this time :icon_eek: no not a feather out of place and it usually resulted in a rabbit squealing its head off for a few seconds ;) when they mean to have something, they will go through a brick wall, or window, to get it :yes:

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The land i have is mixed arable with scatterd woodland, loads of rabbits and hares pheasants partridge, pigeon crow everything reaaly, mentor has experiance with, kestrel, barn owl, buzzard, eagle owl, over 40 years experiance, flown eagle owl at fox, i prefer the look of the harris personally myself

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