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Any Permissions?

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You called ??


In fact , you`re in luck.


I have an estate in Cannock and the factors have been complaining loudly about rabbits.


Basically , if it`s in Cannock, I own it, so the best you can do is crack on.


Only thing is , I need returns for the factors to keep them up to date,


Anyhoo, enjoy, and if anyone asks,, just say Rake said it was fine.




Tight lines :thumbs:

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yeah i can take a joke and still getting to know you guys. i fell for it lol :D


30 places i went to today on my day off and every single one said no. i cant think of anymore places to go to, so i asked on here incase someone wouldnt mind teaming up or sharing.


oh well

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Well at least you seen the funny side lol.


The problem is their are alot of lads on here in the very same position matey.


Keep trying something will come up. Try local industrial estates, big gardens, vegetable plots etc

and when you run out of places to ask? most of the places round here apart from farms is council owned ground.

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I like you Chris, so I'm not going to do my usual thing of asking to borrow your wife or drive your car (long story).


With the amount of experience you have, you'd be better to ask if there's anyone in the area you can be a Go-For for, in exchange for a little field training. That'd probably be a better route to go down.


Find a local shooting club and ask the guys down there if they'll teach you some stuff.


Instead of looking for more land, look to improve your skill set. If you have land (which I know you do), learn to work that better. Maybe ask someone to come to the permission you have in exchange for some training? But then you'd probably be worried someone might oust you from your permission and take it for themselves? That's going to be a concern for the guys on here too.


Also, when everyone from 30 sites says no, start going further afield or trying different sites. My main site is a 15 minute drive away over the border into Devon. They have passport checks and all sorts down there! Hand scanners for 5 or 6 finger hands, and all that stuff. So even though I have a handful of places closer to where I live, I maintain them but really go to town on the one spot.


When you work 1 bit of land well, others will follow.






p.s. that's the nicest response I've ever given.


p.p.s. Asking to shoot on someone else's permission is the equivalent to going on a Porsche website and asking to drive someone's car. Very unlikely to get many people willing to take you up on your offer.

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