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Christmas Trees

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Any of you folk use artificial Xmas trees in your aviaries ?.....Ive been using bits of conifer for ages now but it only lasts a couple of months before it go,s all brown and manky looking so im thinking of giving xmas trees a go.....do you put the whole trees in as they are or just place individual branches around the place ? .....im presuming to clean them i can just take them out and put the hose on them ?

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I do but mine are getting a bit worn out now after a few years use,still their cheap at car boot sales and i break them up and use the branches rather than have a big tree in the flights. when i wash mine i dip in a bucket of disinfectanct and scrub them then into a bucket of clean water to rinse and job done :thumbs: ,i do also use conifer but when it browns off it does look shabby but does make you keep on top of using fresh cover as it's easy to look and think it's green so it's ok with artifical tree. :victory:

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Perfect thanks Fireman....just needed a bit of reassurance before taking the plunge :D makes sense to mix it up with natural as well i,ll give it a go.....apparently that bloke Tuffty wraps sparkly tinsel round his i think thats going a bit far but thats it im on the case now thanks :thumbs:

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i make panels up gnasher only use artifical in aviary and hazel perches, that fit inside aviary on the inside so as they need cleaning can remove and pressure wash, just replace with a new panel during the winter,during breeding season just leave panel in sorted. I know it costs a bit more as you need spare panels but believe me far easier than taking all down and rebuilding

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Looks smart that Sliplead i looked into them panels but they were too big and awkward to get in and out the aviary to clean.....i came up with an ingenious idea re xmas trees :D .......while i was away a few weeks back i had a mate of mine take all the individual branches off a few trees,cut and shape the metal rod bits and have a simple hook and eye type thing so i only need take out the dirty branches rather than the whole thing.......took the patience of a saint bless him but i think it looks quite snazzy and the birds love it :D







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