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Just got a new ratting patch and have to say it's heaving with them and although i'm a terrier worker i need to put a good few to bed for the farmer in a short time,the place is a pig farm and the way to shoot the place is to get ready in the door ways of the shed then put on a stop light and take aim.Now i took my lad out last night with my old hw80 and we shot a good 50 rats with it as well as a few pigeons up in the rafters of the barns,but the problem is the guns a bit heavy for him to free stand with,he was shooting off my arm across the door way or off my shoulder at the pigeons.Now as a non gun user i need some help as my lad is wanting to spend his saved up birthday money on a pellet gun but i don't know what i'm looking for to be honest,here's a list of requirements and if anyone could suggest a cheap but good quality gun that would really help.

Light weight.

.22 caliber

new or second hand

either under lever or pcp (probebly can't afford a pcp but you never know)

up to £150 (i'd also inclued or swap some native finches if wanted for the right gun for him)

and if you have anything i can't travel to many miles from Norfolk really.

thanks for looking :victory:

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You would struggle to get a decent pcp for 150, and then he would need a bottle or pump if you havnt already got one.

Same with an under lever tbh and it would still be around the same weight as your 80.

So id say a decent second hand break barrel an old brum webley, a hw35 99 etc be under 150 or even a co2 king rat catcher really light, accurate and quiet should get one for under a 100 quid

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send him to the gym lol


sorry could not help it , to be honest mate he has one of the best springers out there .


but why not put his hw80 ether up for sale or put it on for a swap with cash ether way just a thought


hope it works out for him atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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It's my hw 80 bigmac that's why he ain't selling it :laugh: ,but i get what your all getting at and i think some of my own cash will be going towards a new one for him then if his budget is a bit short :cray: .i just don't know a lot about air guns and thanks for your help and i'll get some posts up about our trips out when we get going :victory:

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Well here's a comment that'll upset a load of people. Crosman RatCatcher. I do about 90% of my ratting with the Crosman 2250. If I'm outside I'll go with a springer, otherwise it'd be 100% of my ratting with the Crosman.


There are 2 problems with the Crosman though.

1. it's CO2. A lot of people hate CO2...but I love it.

2. VERY mixed reviews. I've had ZERO issues with my Crosman in the 6 years I've had it. Other people I know have had loads problems with theirs. Maybe I'm just lucky?


Price is around £120-£130, but upgrade the scope! I have a spare 4x floating around if you want it (and if I can find it). However, I think I'll be changing to a 2-6x or a 2-8x for better target acquisition through the IR system I use. You'll also want a moderator, because it's loud without one. Shouting "Bang" at the rats at the top of your lungs would be quieter. There are loads of converter's available for around £5, so fitting a moderator is easy enough. All in you could probably get one ready for about the £150 you're looking at.


I use mine all the time, and I LOVE it. Very consistent, and I know the shot pattern well. First 3 shots will be crap, so I'll either dry fire them (probably not good for the gun, so I've been told), or squirt a load of gun oil down the barrel (from the reloading part) and send 4 shots down it to smooth it up. Shots 4-25 will be the same. After I hit shot 20, I usually change CO2. Don't forget to pop a couple of drops of gun oil on the tip of your CO2 capsule before you pop it into the gun.


It's in your price range, it weigh's hardly anything, it's highly manoeuvrable in small areas, and there's something about using a gun called The RatCatcher against rats that just appeals.


But as I've said, other people's views of the Crosman 2250 are very mixed.

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Thanks mate that's very handy :thumbs: and you have reminded me of a fella i know who uses one so will check up with him as well,good man remy and if your ever in Norfolk or Suffolk gives us a shout and there's a night's plinking for you anytime :victory:

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Fireman, don't know if these are a " bit " common in the UK, but the gun which would fill your ticket would be a vintage Crosman 622 Co2 rifle.


As the model name says , a 6 shot, .22 caliber Co2 model from the 70's, not very expensive, unless in mint collectors condition, but a great ratting rifle.




They do turn up here and are sold for prizes around the € 100 in good condition.

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  On 28/09/2014 at 15:30, Jacko338 said:

A second thumbs up for the rat catcher, used one for ratting before I got my s410. That's about 10 years ago nice little gun just a pain in the a**e buying co2

I half agree about the hassle. Just buy in bulk; works for me. Thank goodness for Amazon.


Personally, I have tried a few other rifles, but nothing fits quite as well as the Ratty. For me, low power is important when around expensive machinery.

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  On 28/09/2014 at 18:07, treecreeper said:

if you have already got a bottle/pump covert it to pcp would work out cheaper in the long run and no issues with cold temps.

Interesting idea.


Know of many people who have done this? Would be good to get an idea of what I'd need to do.

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That's pretty cool TC, but to be fair, for only 30-40 shots, I'll just stick to CO2.


Chicken houses are warm enough, and I'll keep the capsules in my pocket. Granted there's the concern it'll get cold and it won't shoot well, but it's done a great job so far. I know the idea of changing to the PCP is cool, and it's damn tempting! But to be fair, I keep needing to remind myself that the 2250 has been great for years and if it's not broken don't fix it.


Granted it's tempting, but I really need to screw my head on and stick with what I know works.

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Been showen the crossman phantom,a pal has a gun smith dealer as a pal and could probebly get the full set up with a scope for £150 and it gives him the option of shooting other things later on as it were ,any views lads :hmm: and thanks again for taking the time to help :victory:

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