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Topic Closed ( Lost Harris Hawk )


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Not that flying hawks in one of my things, but I do like to read from time to time other members interests including this one.


The man came on asking for help to find his hawk, granted he got the obvious answers from the more experienced falconers or what seems to be the more experienced. But none actually gave him any advice on what to do next in helping finding his sons bird.


Now through this experience next time hopefully he may take on board what some have suggested, i.e. don't fly without telemetry.

But that is not actually helping him now.


But reading through the thread what have any of you done to help him? Nothing, apart from getting the thread locked.


Note for mods, the thread was a genuine request for help not a provocative one looking for a discussion, try locking the argumentative members out of the thread rather than locking the thread.





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I've pm'd him what I would do if it were my lost bird I didn't want to put it on the thread as it was something I learnt on my travels in America.


No telemetry is my most hated thing with people that fly birds I get pissed off as it happens all the time!


Edited by CrowHawker
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It may well be your most hated thing, and you are entitled to your opinion. But the man asked for help in an open forum looking for his lost bird, maybe if he got the help he was looking for in an open forum he would not hesitate in coming back asking for help and advice in the future, but now I am not to sure.


But if you did pm him with advice, then good on you.



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I did pm I'm and if he finds the bird he will get it back with the method. If he does not ask again on the open forum that is his loss as some on here don't just talk the talk, he new the reaction he would get from most by saying he did not wear a tag doesn't mean he won't receive the desired help. Have a good weekend.


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The point I am trying to make is the very fact, he got more negative responses than he did positive,and then the free for all started and a mod stepping in and closing the thread before he actually got any help he was asking for.


Anyway not really my problem as I can cannot help in the matter. Just trying to point out if a man asks for help, last thing he needs is a lecture first, personally I would have liked to have seen the more experienced flyers help him first, then give him advice on future flying, happy days.



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Note for delswal, it's in hand, I've been spending quality time with my kids. A lot more satisfying than trying to sort the kids out on here :thumbs:


As much as I agree with you that some members were less than helpful, we don't have an option to lock them out of a thread.

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I posted help on this topic in another thread as he had three running on this. So have offered some advice but have to say telemetry was invented and used for a reason, my bird comes back !! But still use the tag. It is a common sense thing really if the bird had one he would stand more chance of finding the bird. Enough said.

He has just sold a Harris and selling a gos as well so not sure why he has no telemetry yet.


Hope he gets it back and I hope he goes out and gets a telemetry.




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I too offered him advice on one of the other threads he had running about it, suggesting amongst othere things that he got on high ground, and looked for crows, maggies ect, mobbing the hawk, the thing is the guy has a gos for sale(or did) and he bought a female Harris to replace the lads male, then a few days later he is selling that, if he can afford to buy a gos, and a quality parent reared female Harris, he must have spent around £1000-£1200 but still cant be bothered to buy a secondhand telemetry set for £150-£200 so while I feel sorry for the young lad, I am afraid it is irresponsibility that has ultimately lost the hawk, however I will add that had he lived close to me I would have had no hesitation in going out with him and looking for the hawk, and that stands for any other members unfortunate enough to lose a hawk :thumbs:

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