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1/2 X Or 3/4 Bredd

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hard call that. 3/4 will give a potentially racier dog. guess you just have to look to see what the pups are like. some will be heavier set than others. the collie grey i have has a lot of the collie traits. 15 months old always on the go and a bit like a kid with adhd and he's 3/4 bred grey collie. I wouldn't want any more collie in him .

he learns fast and he's quick too.

all the best rob

Edited by robs5230
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I run 1/2 cross, but have known a few that run Hancock 3/4 dogs and have had good all round sport.


Depends on where you are as well. If all my rabbits were sitting out on football pitches I`d maybe have a 3/4 dog lol.


My half x is pretty leggy and is clever to boot. He makes a damn good lamping dog as he is hard as nails and takes them while banging into fences etc,

Saw him take one upside down on plough, then get up and trot off with no issue.

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I run 1/2 cross, but have known a few that run Hancock 3/4 dogs and have had good all round sport.


Depends on where you are as well. If all my rabbits were sitting out on football pitches I`d maybe have a 3/4 dog lol.


My half x is pretty leggy and is clever to boot. He makes a damn good lamping dog as he is hard as nails and takes them while banging into fences etc,

Saw him take one upside down on plough, then get up and trot off with no issue.

yeah guess its horses for courses. mine is 3/4 bred but probably heavy on the collie side . stands at 26. loads of drive and clever too.

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He maybe an ex member, but I shit you not, if we could have a decent Hancock discussion thread on here it would be a refreshing change.


It wasn`t him that got the last one pulled.

i would like to see a decent hancock thread rake but it starts off well then you get folk commenting on the dogs that they have prob never seen one run and then it starts going tits up but it is a subject that could make a decent thread and out of interest does hancock ever do a reverse 3/4 collie 1/4 grey

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I've had 2 1/2 x's from Hancocks and a 3/4 from there, the 1/2x's where decent rabbit dogs and the the one was handy on a fox though he wasn't a fox dog more a dog that caught a few foxes he did the job well enough. The 3/4 he was a bit of an allrounder he spun a few hares in the day though he was usually finished after 2 good runs he did try hard, he caught his fair share of all game and was a fast dog though he didn't run well local he did well when he was able to stretch out.


I currently have a 5/8 grey 3/8 collie though not out of Hancocks yard she's out of 2 Hancock dogs, though she's never been the fastest bitch she has always had that knack of seeming to know what the quarry was going to do.


I think when getting a dog from Hancocks the type of land you run and the way you work it is usually the defining factor on what % you go for. :thumbs:

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Had 2 but a long time ago in the 80s. One 3/4 bred from chuckles made 24 tts very good nose on the dog done well on rabbits /day night started to knock over daytime hares.He had good potential but died at 2. The next a beardy 1/2 cross from remus decent rabbit dog day/night. Did catch a good number of daytime hares these were hunted up 25 tts lived 17 years a real nice dog to have around thought a lot of him.

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I've owned two over the years, neither I raised from a pup, both bitches, both giveaways. To be honest both were very good animals, full on, good hunters, tackle anything and very intelligent.


Both had great shapes, fast enough and robust, something that has always appealed to me with Hancock dogs.


Sadly, each came with a style or a quirk that didn't suit me, or I could change easily and so I found them homes to which they were better suited (work wise) and their owners were very pleased. One went to an old boy green keeper on a golf course, scaring rabbits and collecting balls. The other went to a cracking bloke, who did a bit of ferreting alongside his main hobby of fishing. He wanted a companion dog and one that was suited to his brood of feral, mooching kids. I don't think that dog could have ended up in a more suitable home!


Why didn't I then go for another, because I have seen plenty of these dogs that have been piss poor, neurotic, lacking heart and over thinking the job and I simply didn't need to go to Sutton Coalfield, pay the money and take the gamble, when there were good enough animals on my doorstep.

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