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hi thanks for taking the time to look at are post


ive been working dogs for most of my life and sadly we had to put to sleep one of the best dogs out there.

and now two years on we feel its time for some new lurcher blood in the family as the winter draws in.


we are looking for an animal between 18 months and 3 years idealy but not essential.

ferret and stock broken and friendly as this animal will be liveing and working in a family environment.

No bull blood please as this does not meet are requirments we need a good ferreting lamping dog (sorry to all you bullx enthustiasts out there) :notworthy: .there just not are cup of tea.

so anyone looking for that special working home for a genuine dog please get in touch.


cheers stoney

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get a pup


cheers for that giro

we have given serious thought to getting a pup.

and the older dog i have would not take to a pup which is a damn shame because that is the way i would prefer to go.

as im sure any many would agree. it is just not possable in my circumstances i have a very loving old dog which has right of way. and a pup would be to much for my old boy.

im sure you can see what im saying giro.

so anything possitive will be appreciated

cheers stoney

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good dogs are hardcome by.


Good dogs are hard earned!


I'd be very dubious about buying a dog that is described as meeting your requirements :hmm: Call me cynical but I would think that anyone in a position to get rid of such a dog would have people ready to take it off their hands!


Good luck, but beware ;)

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