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Milliband Snubs 'help For Heroes'

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The last time he posed for a picture in the Sun he got slated, now he's getting slated for NOT posing for a picture in the Sun ! Now, I think he is a weird Marxist Jew, who will destroy this country if he gets into power, but FFS, it's just the Sun trying to sell newspapers!

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Surely that's proof he must be a muslim..., which means he's also a terrorist and an enemy to our boys in the forces! No...it's a nothing story. The Sun think they can do what they like & when they don't get their own way they spin sh!te like this for the likes of you people to get all hot & bothered about. Get the fcuk over yourselves...tomorrow's chip wrappers.

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Surely that's proof he must be a muslim..., which means he's also a terrorist and an enemy to our boys in the forces! No...it's a nothing story. The Sun think they can do what they like & when they don't get their own way they spin sh!te like this for the likes of you people to get all hot & bothered about. Get the fcuk over yourselves...tomorrow's chip wrappers.


Showing to much of your hand again mush, leftwing looney then, thought you were a muzz tbh.

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Surely that's proof he must be a muslim..., which means he's also a terrorist and an enemy to our boys in the forces! No...it's a nothing story. The Sun think they can do what they like & when they don't get their own way they spin sh!te like this for the likes of you people to get all hot & bothered about. Get the fcuk over yourselves...tomorrow's chip wrappers.


Showing to much of your hand again mush, leftwing looney then, thought you were a muzz tbh.


Leftwing loony...? Because I have a brain and can think for myself and think that it's wrong that the tabloid media pillory the leader of one of the major UK political parties for not dancing to their tune. Apparently the Sun threatened him that they would do this if he didn't comply with their demands and support The Sun's campaign.

The Sun don't have a monopoly on supporting out troops, and Miliband's refusal to dance to their tune might actually show he's got a bit more backbone than the other three stooges.

Also...not a muslim, nor a labour voter.... so guess again Liar.

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Surely that's proof he must be a muslim..., which means he's also a terrorist and an enemy to our boys in the forces! No...it's a nothing story. The Sun think they can do what they like & when they don't get their own way they spin sh!te like this for the likes of you people to get all hot & bothered about. Get the fcuk over yourselves...tomorrow's chip wrappers.

Health and Safety don't allow that sort of thing these days - it's unhygienic !

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Who mentioned Muslims? The whole blame everyone else and play the victim bullshit as usual. Anyway if I had my way ed would be culled for the annoying way he talks.

I did. I know this has fcuk all to do with muslims but just about every political thread on here is, or gets turned into, a rant about muslims...so just thought I'd get in first.

I'm not even defending Ed, I just can't stand the cynical way that the media, particularly The Sun, feel they can dictate what it means to support our troops or commemorate the fallen. Putting the countries political leaders on the front page 'endorses' the paper. It's about selling papers, make no mistake. I can have respect for, be grateful to, and contribute financially to those that truly served this country without wearing a poxy rubber band advertising a newspaper. If you can't then you want to have a long hard look at yourself.

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I hate the c**t with a passion but its hard to see anything in this but Murdoch trying to use it to influence folk because he sees him as a threat at the next election.. Millipede played straight into his hands with this..

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I see pictures of Putin riding a f***ing bear lol fake or not it made me laugh. I hear this bloke with a lisp and laugh for the wrong reasons. He appears weak and didnt he shit on his own flesh and blood? Not in a million years would I wish for him to represent me.

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