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Muslim Protesters Attack Car With Children In It In Enfield

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Have you seen this crazy shit, this happened in Enfield this year and yet its not even been reported in the media.

Look what these filthy scum are doing...........................


Can you hear the kids screaming in the back of the f***ing car, unbelievable!


Whens it going to stop???



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I honestly believe that the day is fast approaching when fence - sitting will no longer be an option. You will either have to actively resist the interlopers, or accept their tyranny. Islam is not a r

And we've got our first Apologist of the thread trying to divert attention away from whats happening................

Does it matter??? Once kids are involved its a big signal to back the f**k off!

Reminds me of the time a bunch of EDL hooligans attacked a fast food shop full of screaming women and kids. There's c :censored: ts on both sides...


And :clapper::clapper::clapper: we've got our first Apologist of the thread trying to divert attention away from whats happening................

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I honestly believe that the day is fast approaching when fence - sitting will no longer be an option. You will either have to actively resist the interlopers, or accept their tyranny. Islam is not a religion or a race. It is a political dogma hell-bent of domination, by any means necessary. It condones beheading, paedophilia, child brides, 'honour' killings, public beatings and domestic violence. There is no such thing as a 'moderate' muslim - just the ones who are keeping their heads down - for now.




No more mosques, ban the burka, close down Islamic 'schools', no halal. No surrender !

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