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Great White Spotted Off Cornwall?

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only a matter of time before somebody catches one i think my moneys on new kid, in his kayak lol

And theres me wondering why my ol woman is trying to sign me up with a scuba diving course for next year........in Falmouth

Remember it like yesterday lol the reel started screaming, I picked up the rod sat in the chair, engaged the clutch and pulled the hook home. Played right to the boat and as soon as the skipper got it on board, I jumped on it like a mini Rambo lol skipper had to kick me of so he could get the hook out! I remember being p**sed of he wouldn't let me hold it for a photo lol (looking at pick now, I don't blame him) not bad for a 10 year old tho.

It's a memory that will never leave me and STILL my biggest fish to date

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Remember it like yesterday lol the reel started screaming, I picked up the rod sat in the chair, engaged the clutch and pulled the hook home. Played right to the boat and as soon as the skipper got it on board, I jumped on it like a mini Rambo lol skipper had to kick me of so he could get the hook out! I remember being p**sed of he wouldn't let me hold it for a photo lol (looking at pick now, I don't blame him) not bad for a 10 year old tho.

It's a memory that will never leave me and STILL my biggest fish to date

Fair play mate,

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I seem to remeber reading somewhere that there were more shark attacks in the Med than off Australia and South Africa.


Cheers, D.

there are not more attacks, but of the attacks that have happened in the med, a far larger number(percentage wise) are fatal as opposed to the other countrys...


Edited by YOKEL
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WTF lol thanks a feckin bunch lads I spend most weekends swimming in the Med during the spring/summer/autumn.......


Ok where are these fatal attacks happening??? Lol


Dunno what you're worried about... when was the last time a Brit was killed by a shark!?



No, wait! :icon_eek: ermmmmm :laugh: LOL LOL

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think the last recorded fatal attack was 89 off italy, may have been another in the early 90's. like i say, it's percentage wise, think there has only been around 60 attacks recorded since the early 1900's, which is f**k all compared with south africa/aus etc. but a fair lump of those 60 were deadly! them big white sharks are out there. when i was working in rhodes back in 93 they caught a good few 4mtr + sharks about a mile off shore, only made the local greek rags tho, don't think they wanted the tourists knowing to much about it... :thumbs:

An important scientific fact to remember tho about sharks is this...they only attack humans when they're wet...


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Shroom, one thing I know about the med, Great White's migrate every year just North of Malta. Had planned a scuba diving trip, but was told the school had transferred to the south of the island for this exact reason.

i can remember some time ago watching a documentary about sharks. they showed some jaw bones of great whites hung on a fishing port wall as trophies that the fishermen had caught and that was on malta

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Shroom, one thing I know about the med, Great White's migrate every year just North of Malta. Had planned a scuba diving trip, but was told the school had transferred to the south of the island for this exact reason.

i can remember some time ago watching a documentary about sharks. they showed some jaw bones of great whites hung on a fishing port wall as trophies that the fishermen had caught and that was on malta


Yeah mate. I changed my main place to Dominican Republic for scuba diving. There is less publicity of attacks down there, so that makes me feel safe. Ignorance really is bliss.

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