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First time out this season.

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Hi all,


Had my first look out with the ferrets today. I wasn't too hopeful to be honest, as I haven't seen a healthy rabbit in my area for quite some time, but that said, I haven't even had a chance to look round my permission since I was last there in April.

We found a few 3 or 4 holers in some hedgerows that looked very well used, but when all 4 of my ferrets refused to enter, we knew it was probably as waste of time!


After a bit of driving around the farm, we found some buries that we've worked in the past in a wood, and we've always taken rabbits out of, so we set up. First one was along a fence line, probably 12 -15 holes. I entered my hob and albino jill, and after about 20 minutes both surfaced, and weren't interested in going back underground- the only thing that had bolted was a rat! So we moved on to a smaller bury; about 8 holes, a bit deeper into the wood.

Here, I entered my two poley jills and after about 15 minutes, a big buck rabbit hit the net! 5 minutes later both ferrets were up, so we moved to what we thought was a 5 holer- predictably it turned out to have six holes! We lost one through the un-netted hole, but as we ran over to net it, the next one bolted from the hole next to it, which we had netted!

We decided we'd call it a day when they came out, only two to show for it, but cracking to be out! Can't wait to get out again!


Did have to dig 4 feet to retrieve a collar that one of the jills had managed to slip underground!!


Sorry no photos- I did take the camera along, but I forgot all about it!

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