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Anti Poaching Devices

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Was watching this program the wife recorded for me last week caught red handed on beeb one it had a piece on about deer poaching by the looks of it was a old vid but this copper had made this device that he put on a track to detect motors going over it then it rang the plod and thats how they was caught any way was talking to one of my more respectable mates a keeper about it and I dont know if he was pulling my leg but he said theres a new range thats to be used

These things can be anything from a pheasant up a tree to a brown hare in a seat or anything and what they do is look like that animal or its eyes for night use you go up to it thinking its game on and it detects you contacts the pod it also can spray out coded water or something he said same for the digging detects terrier collars anyone heard anything the same or what forces are to use them

I did think this is a wind up but with todays technology and prices think its very possible especially from them sneaky cnuts in blue


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Technology may have moved up a step or two from the man traps and bullmastiff,s,that were want to chew on the odd poacher of old,yet it may come as a surprise to some that the feral poacher as an habit of poaching the estates and land that are adorned with any amount of modern technology,ive yet to encounter a camera,trip wire,sensor pad or sleeping keeper,that could run as fast,as hard and as long,often out of the range of all this modern trickery-do,as a determined scrote and his favourite lurcher,ferret,gun or web.

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