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Bow Hunting

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There was a little bit of me that really wanted that elephant to charge and flatten that septic when he shot it with the bow.   Got to say on this occasion I disagree with born hunter, I can't sanct

Shooting the elephant with a bow is about one thing and one thing only bragging rights, like it or hate it, wether it was a cull animal or a trophy maybe even both the fact is in the eyes of this hunt

What a load of crap hunters on a hunting site saying a man needs beating for hunting in a way man has done for thousands of years there's nothing wrong with bow hunting and all these people moaning ab

Probably because they are lethal. Would you want the local scrote walking round your local wood with one?

anythings lethal in the hands of somebody willing to misuse it tho? Why not licence them? Scrotes can buy airguns, crossbows and longbows anyway, so why can't decent people hunt with them?

There was 2 roe found dumped in a dyke not far from me a few months ago that had been shot with arrows, that had to be the "scrotes" you refer to as any decent hunter would have used the carcass?

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I watched a vid on you tube ( I think it was you tube ) ....put in bow hunting doves ....this guy wants seeing to believe ...hes knocking out flying doves with a bow & arrow ...I'd have been happy hitting them with a shotty ..sorry I am to dim to put up links ... :hmm:

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I started this year, got myself a recurve bow, and the practice is paying off. I grew up using various guns/rifles as the norm, but the feeling of hunting with a bow takes you straight back to cave-man! And the field craft that goes with it.

I have some very good venues in Europe if you ever wanted a hunt, feel free to drop me a message. DnN

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I watched a vid on you tube ( I think it was you tube ) ....put in bow hunting doves ....this guy wants seeing to believe ...hes knocking out flying doves with a bow & arrow ...I'd have been happy hitting them with a shotty ..sorry I am to dim to put up links ... :hmm:

Found this one...some fantastic shooting.




Interesting design of arrow.... the tip looks like an egg whisk, so it obviously makes it easier to hit them....though I'd bet still not easy enough for me :laugh:

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Probably because they are lethal. Would you want the local scrote walking round your local wood with one?

anythings lethal in the hands of somebody willing to misuse it tho? Why not licence them? Scrotes can buy airguns, crossbows and longbows anyway, so why can't decent people hunt with them?

There was 2 roe found dumped in a dyke not far from me a few months ago that had been shot with arrows, that had to be the "scrotes" you refer to as any decent hunter would have used the carcass?


Of course anything is deadly in the wrong hands, shit, you can kill someone with a spoon. Not all of us would do it for a laugh though.

Dead deer, with arrows in them,..? Theres your answer, dickheads spoiling it for the rest. Seen it happen over the years with airguns, the more people get nicked the tougher the laws become.

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Bows are brilliant. be it recurve, compund or long. I've never gotten on with crossbows.

For many years bowhunting was pushed in the Uk, to be legalised by a license but it all came to no avail. Sadly.


Shooting flying quarry is very difficult and requires a very good hand/eye co-ordination. I myself could never get to that level due to my dominant eye not being in co-ordination with my dominant hand. The arrows for birds are different to 'standard' arrows, and are often called fufu arrows, their fletching is designed to 'burn out' within thirty or forty yards and bring the arrow to a controlled stop should it miss the target. Generally speaking the wing shooters would shoot blunts of rubbers of 'zwickys' that are designed for knock-down impact rather than penetration.

I can't ever see bowhunting being made legal in this crammed island of ours, but across the channel it is.


edited to add: IMO the worlds best bowhunter is Chuck Adams. He has a few good bowhunting books out, as does Tom Miranda. Well worth a read.

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