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Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall And Squirrels

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I saw this episode on TV the other night and it was quite interesting. However it seems that the Daily Mail and p e t a have taken exception to someone eating humanely killed pests!




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The wife of an old boss made a mean squirrel and bacon pie for the beater's days.

Skinning them can be a bit like getting a nun out of a wet-suit and they really are only at their best in the autumn and winter when they have a lovely nutty taste.

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squirrel is nice and fair play to hugh but will there be a program called hugh and son cook on the wild side

I've had squirrel, years ago. It was cooked a bit shit but ok, maybe with my now honed culinary skills I could give it a better go... 8)

Degsy, that 'should' be a good show, to be honest, back in the day Cook On The Wild side was fantastic, Hugh's best show by far, when he really was going for it, then the first series of RC and he was a breath of fresh air... Sadly, like anything successful Hugh and his shows are a shadow of their former selves...! :cray:

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squirrel is nice and fair play to hugh but will there be a program called hugh and son cook on the wild side

I've had squirrel, years ago. It was cooked a bit shit but ok, maybe with my now honed culinary skills I could give it a better go... 8)

Degsy, that 'should' be a good show, to be honest, back in the day Cook On The Wild side was fantastic, Hugh's best show by far, when he really was going for it, then the first series of RC and he was a breath of fresh air... Sadly, like anything successful Hugh and his shows are a shadow of their former selves...! :cray:


Except for when he cooked the Woodlice, yuk.

Love him or hate him HFW has helped create a lot of townies who want to live the country life and what comes with that is small time livestock keeping and what follows that is pest control.

He's shown a lot of people where their food comes from and what's needed to ensure that it reaches your table.

Although I did read somewhere once (probably on here) that he didn't admit to the fox taking dozens of hens on him. Jimmy Doherty on the other hand made a big issue about the fox killing dozens of his hens.

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I'd agree with that Neil, the fish fight was a good shout too, it was sickening the amount of waste shown.


Do you remember that show he did where he was invited to peoples parties and that woman had her placenta made into a pate' and they all ate it..!!

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