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Aahhh...now I know why that smiley was on my post!


Me...collie blindness...I've got kelpies! :whistling:

Just to hijack the thread ,I often wondered how your pure kelpies compare to a pure collie both hunting wise and temperament wise / around your property.

Are they kept in or out,I only ask as wondered what their like if or when they switch off??

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Just buy a pup.

Thanks for the replies I can see what you mean about it being a lot easier to buy a pup but I know my dogs and how they work and just think they would make a good mix for a running dog as I know they

Find someone else with a GH bitch thats looking to breed a litter of lurchers, offer your best collie as stud and take a pup as payment, saves you alot of trouble.

It depends on the breeding. My seven year old bitch is very work orientated and has "the whippet shiver" when she's standing still, raring to get going. She's probably had the best working potential...but... I still prefer old Rusty. So much so that when I ordered a replacement for him, I did a lot of research into his pedigree and related dogs in order to find out where I felt his good temperament came from and then ordered a pup with ten lines to that dog. It's early days yet, but Noggin seems to be doing ok and I really like him...he's like a caricature of old Rusty.


Sorry for interrupting the flow of the thread.

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